Can there be more than one RCO in a geographic area?
Yes, the Ordinance permits (2) two or more organizations to operate within the same geography. In the situations where there are two or more RCOs for a geography, the Neighborhood Planner takes an active role in convening the Development Activities Meeting (D.A.M.) and facilitating the neighborhood planning process. For the D.A.M. the Department of City Planning will schedule the public meeting to discuss the applicant’s proposal with the applicable RCOs (at least thirty (30) days prior to the first public hearing),convening the Development Activities Meeting and facilitating the neighborhood planning process.Specifically related to the required Development Activities Meeting, the Department of City Planning will schedule the public meeting to discuss the applicant’s proposal with the applicable RCOs (at least thirty (30) days prior to the first public hearing).
What if two RCOs are in the same area and have different opinions? Which perspective will prevail?
City Planning staff will provide an unbiased report to the Board and/or Commission outlining the public engagement efforts and Development Activities Meeting summary for matters that meet the threshold requirements listed in the Ordinance (§ 178E.08(c)). Additionally, RCOs can submit letters expressing their position to the Board and/or Commission and provide testimony if they so choose. The Board and/or Commission will weigh these factors in rendering a decision or recommendation.
Is a group without RCO status also seen as a voice of the community by the City?
Yes, the City of Pittsburgh values the contributions that community organizations bring to our city and holds each in equal regard.
Will groups with RCO status be favored over non-RCO groups?
No, DCP values and recognizes the voices of both RCOs and Community Based Organizations. Community Based Organizations that meet eligibility requirements can register to become a part of the program.
If a neighborhood organization does not register, does it have standing before the ZBA, Planning Commission, City Council, etc.?
Individual community members and/or organizations are entitled to testify and/or to send letters to the Boards and Commissions regardless of RCO status.
What information & documentation would be required to be posted on a website?
The Agendas, Decisions, and Minutes of the meetings, whether Board meetings and/or public meetings.Agendas, Decisions, and Minutes of Executive Sessions and personnel matters are exempt from the posting requirement.
Can a Facebook page serve as a website?
Yes. The Facebook page should be organized for easy navigation to the Agendas, Decisions, and Minutes. Documentation can also be archived on an accessible Google Drive account for viewing.
What kind of affiliation is required if a group is not a 501(c)3? What does it mean to have a Memorandum of Understanding?
One of the standout functions of 501(c)3 status is fiscal transparency.For groups that do not have 501(c)3 status, the kind of affiliation required is a fiscal sponsorship through a Memorandum of Understanding with a 501(c)3.This is an arrangement in which one entity agrees to accept and manage funds for another. The union between these two organizations is typically described in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This agreement establishes the purpose; describes the agreed-upon roles and responsibilities of each organization; identifies the staff responsible for specific responsibilities; describes the benefits and resources each partner receives and contributes; and identifies the timeframe.
Will groups need to rewrite their bylaws to obtain RCO status?
Some groups may have to update their bylaws. The City of Pittsburgh shares templates to assist groups that may need to update or re-write organizational documents.
Can an RCO also be a nonprofit developer?
Yes, if they also serve as an institution for the community and meet the requirements to become an RCO.
§ 178E.03(e) requires identifying a group's geographic area. Some communities represent overlapping areas, how are groups supposed to specify their geography?
Groups should identify their boundaries through a legal description or other description using street names.The group may also supply a map to visualize the proposed boundaries. The boundaries need to be identified either in approved bylaws or passed by another action of the organization.
How does the RCO coordinate with the applicant/developer to schedule Development Activities Meetings?
If there is only one RCO in a neighborhood/geographic area, then the applicant is required to coordinate with the RCO to schedule a time, date, and place for the public meeting. These details should be identified within 45 days of the request from the applicant, and the meeting must take place at least 30 days prior to the public hearing.
Will the neighborhood/RCO be required to go through a formal process each time there is newly proposed development?
Only if the proposal meets the public hearing requirement and threshold requirements listed in the Ordinance (§ 178E.08(c)), then a Development Activities Meeting is required.
Is the applicable RCO required to meet with the applicant?
The Ordinance requires the RCO to coordinate with the applicant to schedule a time, date, and location of a public Development Activities Meeting and use their Communication Strategy to notify residents, property owners, business owners, and other stakeholders. The meeting would have to take place. However, the RCO is not required to show up at a public City Commission or Board Hearing or provide a letter of support/opposition.
Groups have heard that proposed development projects will be evaluated based upon their conformity to the community plan (once a plan is adopted). Is this true?
Yes, if a neighborhood plan is adopted, the development will be evaluated on that basis.
Why are 30 days required between the Development Activities Meeting and the public hearing?
The 30-day rule provides time to the applicable RCO(s) Board(s) to meet and determine their recommendation to the Board/Commission(s), and for stakeholders to prepare written and/or public testimony to the Board/Commission(s).
Does the RCO program ensure that community concerns and recommendations are incorporated into the development process?
There are multiple ways for communities to ensure their voices are heard regarding development project. First, your neighborhood planner provides a detailed staff report from each D.A.M, to the relevant board/commission, to inform their decisions on projects. Secondly, RCO staff or residents may provide written or verbal testimony on any project that goes before a board or commission. An RCO may also choose to inform their Councilperson of concerns regarding projects in their districts. While we cannot guarantee that every recommendation will be acted on, the City values residents’ concerns, especially when they are shared by many in the community, and the RCO program provides an outlet for making sure these concerns are heard.
Will there be changes to the RCO program?
The newly formed RCO Administration Team is actively working to analyze data from the 2023 RCO Survey and additional feedback they have received from RCOs to ensure that the community organizations are realizing benefits from participating in the program. Any potential legislative changes or updates to the RCO program will be done in collaboration with the RCO network and through the support of City Council.
Contact Us
Many of these questions came from Q&A meetings held by the Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group in January 2018 and a public online survey in the Spring of 2023.If you have further questions about the program, please contact the RCO Program Administration team at RCOprogram@pittsburghpa.gov.