ROW 311 and Code Enforcement

One purpose of the DOMI ROW Code Enforcement is to protect the safety and welfare of the public space. DOMI enforces construction standards in the City’s Right of Way Procedures Manual and the Pittsburgh City Code, Title Four: Public Places and Property. DOMI issues notices originating from service requests through 311 and during routine inspections verifying permit compliance in regard to infrastructure and utility improvements or remediation.

For information on permit inspections, please see out Applicant Guidance Page.

Reporting a Violation

If you wish to report a violation you can file your complaint via phone, text, tweet or electronically by visiting 311 Response Center. All service requests through 311 are anonymous. For your complaint to be addressed most effectively please provide the location and details or nature of the situation you believe to be in violation. All service requests sent with a valid email address will be sent an email response providing your Ticket Number for tracking purposes.

Should a service request be generated by your submission, one of our 311 representatives will provide a Service Request ID Number.

Phone: Dial 311 or 412-255-2621
Twitter: @PGH311


Types of Violations DOMI Enforces

  • Basketball Hoop
  • Blocked or Closed Streets
  • Blocked or Closed Sidewalk
  • Blocked or Closed Trails
  • Broken or Deteriorated Curbs
  • Dumpsters on the Streets or Sidewalks
  • Illegal Curb Cuts
  • Manhole cover
  • No Parking Variance
  • Sewer Lateral
  • Sidewalk Closure
  • Sidewalk Obstruction
  • Sidewalk, Lack of Snow/Ice Removal
  • Sidewalk, Overgrowth
  • Sidewalk/Curb/ADA ramp maintenance
  • Street obstruction / closure
  • Utility Cut – Other
  • Utility Pole
  • Wire
  • Working without a Permit

Request for Compliance

Most inspections start with requests that are submitted to the 311 Response Center. The requests are anonymous, and each request prompts an inspection.

Once an inspector gets a request, the inspector follows a standardized process to either close the complaint if no violation is found or issue a request for compliance if a violation is found.

Inspectors make three inspections. A description of the situation at the location, a photo, and the time/date are logged during each inspection. If the violation is not resolved by the third inspection then a criminal complaint is filed. A criminal complaint can be sent on the first inspection depending on the severity of the violation. A letter will be sent to the individual(s) in violation with a court date and location.

Understanding Notices of Violation

If you get a notice of violation and want to talk to the inspector, please call their direct number, which is on the notice. Following is an example of a notice of violation:

Example of a notice of violation

If you must leave a voicemail, the inspector will make every effort to call you back as quickly as possible. Please give them a day to respond. When you talk to the inspector, you can talk about the notice, try to work out the issue, schedule an appointment or follow-up inspection, or request the case file be expedited to the local magistrate as a criminal complaint for a legal determination.

Appealing a Notice

A request for appeal must be submitted in writing to DOMI within 30 days of the notice of violation. The Code Enforcement Appeal Form can be downloaded.

Appealing a Conviction

A request for appeal must be submitted by following the Summary Appeal procedure seen below. The appeal must be filed within 30 days after the date of conviction by following the procedure(JPG, 218KB).

Violations Enforced by Other City Departments

Permits Licenses and Inspections (PLI) - 412-255-2175

  • Protects the health, safety, and welfare of existing buildings and structures.

Police Bureau - 412-323-7800

  • Abandoned vehicles in the Public Right of Way

Animal Control - 412-255-2036

  • Any issues involving animals

Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) - 412-255-2423

  • Sewer or catch basins

City Planning - 412-255-2200

  • Residential parking issues

Public Works - 412-255-2726

  • Snow and ice removal
  • Potholes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I file a complaint?

Call the 311 Response Center at 311 or, if you are outside the City, at 412-255-2621, or file an electronic complaint form. After a complaint is filed with 311, it is forwarded to the DOMI Code Enforcement Inspectors or the responsible department.

How can I determine who owns the property?

You can use the Allegheny County Real Estate Website to find the owner of record for a property. Please note that DOMI is not responsible for the accuracy of content on websites external to the City of Pittsburgh site or on web pages external to DOMI web pages.

What can DOMI do about vacant properties owned by the URA or the City?

If there is a violation of City Ordinances, the City or the URA will be sent a notice of violation. Steps will be taken to remediate the issues with the right-of-way abutting City or URA properties.

How can I appeal an initial (first) notice of violation?

An appeal must be filed within 30 days of the date of the First Request for Compliance. Appeals must be submitted using the Code Enforcement Appeal Form(DOCX, 52KB).

I received a notice of violation for my sidewalk but it is uplifted by a City tree, what do I do?

If a City tree is uplifting the sidewalk in front of your property, the property owner is responsible to fix the sidewalk. However, before doing any work, you must contact the Department of Public Works' Forestry Division for root pruning at 412-665-3625 and the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure ("DOMI") for a sidewalk repair permit at 412-255-8850. The Forestry Division will prune the City tree at the proper time of year prior to the installation of the new sidewalk. Also, please note that you cannot plant, remove, or trim a City tree without a permit from Forestry. Please review the proper procedure for root pruning and sidewalk repair(PDF, 31KB).