Small Cell Facilities


Small Cell Facilities are the equipment and network components, including antennas, transmitters, and receivers, used by wireless providers to supplement existing cellular data networks.

Volume, height, and placement limitations for small cell wireless facilities are established in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 2018 Ruling (FCC 18-133(PDF, 732KB)), and PA HB Act 50 Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act. The City of Pittsburgh is obligated to accommodate small wireless facilities in the City’s public right-of-way consistent with these statutes.

Related City policies and ordinances have been created or adjusted to comply with state and federal statutes.

Our Role

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) provides guidance and permit procedure on the location, design, and construction of proposed small cell facilities that provide telecommunication service in the public right-of-way (ROW). DOMI Permits these devices as telecommunications poles or telecommunications antennas, depending on the type of facility.

Guidance for Small Cell Facilities(PDF, 669KB) provides direction in the application process and design instructions meant to serve as a supplement to the City’s Small Cell Aesthetic Standards(PDF, 5MB). This guidance applies to the public ROW under the stewardship of DOMI. It does not extend to any public lot, park, other public property, or private property.

All contractors must be issued a Telecommunications ROW Use Agreement and receive a permit before any work may begin.

Small cell facilities are subject to inspection, annually.

Public Notice

Per the Guidance for Small Cell Facilities in the City of Pittsburgh, applications filed after are required to provide public notice of applications filed.

Public notice is provided in the following ways:

  1. A Small Cell Fact Sheet and Plan Set for each application will be posted on the City’s Website.
  2. Informational postcards will be mailed to addresses located within 150 linear feet of the proposed facility prior to construction.
  3. The property owner whose parcel abuts the proposed facility will receive their informational notice by certified mail.

Fact Sheets & Plan Sets for Applications Received After 4/26/2022

Coming soon

Small Cell Facilities Map – Permits issued prior to 4/26/2022

Small Cell Facilities Full Screen View Map

Who do I contact for questions?

If you have questions or concerns about a small cell facility please submit your query through the 311 Request Form or the MyBurgh app. You will select Utility Issue – Small Cell/Telecommunication Antenna, provide a location, and brief description of your request or concern. You will be able to track the status of your service request through either of these two channels.

Information for Applicants