PLI Fees

Download PLI's Current Fee Schedule(PDF, 204KB)

The cost of a permit will now be calculated based on the total construction value of the project. For more info, please download the Fee Schedule or use our Permit Fee Calculator. Please note, if the construction value changes between the time of application and permit issuance, the total cost of your permit may also change.

The fee schedule allows PLI to offer expedited plan review services at the Department’s discretion. Due to current capacity, expedited review is only offered for Fire Alarm and Fire Suppression permit types. PLI will give notice when this service is slated to become available.

Permit Fee Calculator

Zoning Fees may apply. Please consult the Zoning Fee Schedule.

Effective October 25, 2017, the fees collected for the Pennsylvania code official training fund (SEFT fees) have increased from $4.00 to $4.50. Governor Wolf signed Act 37 of 2017 authorizing the increase of fees collected by municipalities administering and enforcing construction or building permits in accordance with the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act.