Parking Lot License

The City of Pittsburgh requires a Parking Lot License for anyone who conducts any commercial revenue-generating parking place or lot. Please see Chapter 763 of the City Code and the PLI Licensing Rules and Regulations(PDF, 626KB).

The following revenue generating commercial parking lots are exempt from the Parking Lot License:

  1. Any parking garage or place that is provided or leased exclusively to occupants of a residence, or parking garage or place where at least 80% of spaces are provided to residents on the same or other premises for use only in connection to the residence.
  2. Parking place or garage that is provided exclusively for guests or tenants of a hotel, tourist court, or trailer park.
  3. Parking by an employee for a fee in a parking lot owned or operated by or for his or her employer at the employee's regular place of business (PCC 763.04).

OneStopPGH website

Application Process

  1. Prepare Required Documents
  2. Complete Application
  3. Submit Documents and Payment
  4. Inspections
    • New licenses are subject to inspection by PLI prior to issuance.
    • Renewed licenses are subject to periodic maintenance inspections.

License Requirements

  • Certificate of occupancy for use as a parking lot. Search for existing certificates of occupancy.
  • City of Pittsburgh tax compliance letter from the City Finance department.
  • General Liability insurance certificate with the City of Pittsburgh listed as certificate holder.
  • Valid government-issued photo ID of the applicant.
  • Sketch or plot drawing of details of the lot. For parking garages, a description of the number of uniformed security and floor plans should be included.

Late Fees

A late fee will be charged the day after your license expires. If your license is not renewed within 30 days of expiration, it is considered lapsed and closed. All business licenses expire a year from the date of issuance.


Looking for additional info or clarification on your license requirements?
Check out the Rules and Regulations(PDF, 626KB)

Where can I find my certificate of occupancy?
Check out PLI's online Occupancy Search

How do I get a tax certification letter?
Call or email the Department of Finance

Insurance Info

A non-expired Certificate of Insurance showing general liability coverage for the applicant at the location where licensed activity will take place, and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder and additionally insured. General liability insurance minimums as follows: $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate.

Worker’s Compensation Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance showing Worker's Compensation coverage for the applicant business and listing the City of Pittsburgh as the certificate holder. If the business does not have any employees, then upload a notarized statement attesting that there are no employees.

Department of Permits, Licenses and Inspections Workers' Compensation Exemption Affidavit(PDF, 72KB).