HVAC Permit

A commercial mechanical permit is required for the following work on a commercial building or structure:

  • Renovate and repair mechanical or fuel gas systems.
  • Extend or modify an existing mechanical or fuel gas system.
  • Installation of new mechanical or fuel gas systems.

Please see Permit Home for the definition of commercial structures and work types. Please see Work Not Requiring A Permit for work that can be performed without a PLI permit. Please visit our Contacts page for the Construction Inspector's contact information.

New Construction Work Scopes

The new construction work type applies to the installation of systems in a new building. The applicant shall identify one or more of the following work scopes:

  • Exhaust System: installation of an exhaust system. This excludes work associated with an exhaust system related to commercial cooking hoods and smoke control systems.
  • Fuel Gas System: installation of a fuel gas system.
  • Hydronic System: installation of a hydronic system.
  • Heating/Ventilation System: installation of a heating and/or ventilation system. Installation of exterior equipment is not permitted under this work scope.
  • Mechanical Equipment - Exterior: installation of any type of exterior mechanical equipment serving any type of system.
  • Refrigeration System: installation of a refrigeration system.
  • Smoke Control System: installation of a mechanical smoke control system.
  • Type I Commercial Cooking Hood System: installation of a Type I commercial cooking hood system including hood, grease duct, exhaust fan, and make-up air equipment.
  • Type II Commercial Cooking Hood System: installation of a Type II commercial cooking hood system including hood, ductwork, and exhaust fan.
  • Phased Work – Core & Shell: installation of systems associated with a phased building permit with a core and shell work scope. Work associated with the fit-out is not permitted. Selected in addition to one or more other work scopes.
  • Phased Work – Fit-out: installation of systems associated with a phased building permit with fit-out work scope. Work associated with the core and shell is not permitted. Selected in addition to one or more other work scopes.

Addition / Alteration Work Scopes

The addition/alteration work type applies to the alteration of existing systems or installation of new systems in an existing building. This work type excludes the work associated with the first fit-out of tenant space in a new building. The applicant shall identify one or more of the following work scopes:

  • Exhaust System: installation or modification of an exhaust system. Work associated with an exhaust system related to commercial cooking hoods and/or smoke control systems is not permitted under this work scope.
  • Fuel Gas System: installation or modification of a fuel gas system.
  • Hydronic System: installation or modification of a hydronic system.
  • Heating/Ventilation System: installation or modification of a heating and/or ventilation system. Installation of exterior equipment is not permitted under this work scope.
  • Mechanical Equipment - Exterior: installation of any type of exterior mechanical equipment serving any type of system.
  • Refrigeration System: installation or modification of a refrigeration system.
  • Smoke Control System: installation or modification of a mechanical smoke control system.
  • Type I Commercial Cooking Hood System: installation or modification of Type I commercial cooking hood system including hood, grease duct, exhaust fan, and make-up air equipment.
  • Type II Commercial Cooking Hood System: installation or modification of Type II commercial cooking hood system including hood, ductwork, and exhaust fan.
  • Phased Work – Core & Shell: Installation or modification of systems associated with a phased building permit with a core and shell work scope. Work associated with the fit-out is not permitted. Selected in addition to one or more other work scopes.
  • Phased Work – Fit-out: installation or modification of systems associated with a phased building permit with fit-out work scope. Work associated with the core and shell is not permitted. Selected in addition to one or more other work scopes.
  • Emergency replacement of interior equipment: replacement of interior equipment condemned by PLI and/or associated with ventilation and/or heating systems required to maintain safe occupancy. A permit limited to this work scope has an SLA of 7 business days.
  • Emergency replacement of exterior equipment: replacement of interior equipment condemned by PLI and/or associated with ventilation and/or heating systems required to maintain safe occupancy. A permit limited to this work scope has an SLA of 7 business days. Please note that a Zoning Development Review application may still be required.
  • Removal of system/equipment without replacement: removal of any type of mechanical, ventilation, or heating system which is not replaced.

Minor Alteration Work Scopes

The minor alteration work type applies to the modification of an existing system in an existing building with a valid certificate of occupancy. The applicant shall identify one or more of the following work scopes:

  • Modification to Ductwork system: modification of existing ducted system if the primary equipment has sufficient capacity per current mechanical code requirements and is to remain. Work associated with an exhaust system related to commercial cooking hoods is not permitted under this work scope.
  • Modification to Hydronic system: modification of existing hydronic system if the primary equipment has sufficient capacity per current mechanical code requirements and is to remain.

Permit Process

See these web pages for additional information regarding the permitting process:

  1. Permit Process
  2. Application Submission
    • All Work Types other than Minor Alterations require submission of drawings to OneStopPGH.
  3. Application Review
  4. Permit Issuance
  5. Permit Inspections
  6. Permit Completion

Please see Other Agency Coordination for processes related to other agencies that may relate to your permit scope. For commercial mechanical permits:

  • Zoning Development Review application (ZDR) submission is required for the following work scopes:
    • Mechanical Equipment – Exterior for New Construction and Addition/Alteration.
    • Emergency replacement of exterior equipment.
    • Development of a property in a regulated floodplain requires a PLI Floodplain permit.
  • PA Department of Health (DOH)
    • Required for a structure regulated by the PA Health Care Facilities Act.