What is the Status of My Permit?
There are two publicly available resources to help applicants and the public independently track applications through our permitting processes - the list of Permits Pending Review and Civic Central.
Permits Pending Review
The Permits Pending Review(XLSX, 80KB) document is an Excel Spreadsheet that lists all permits pending PLI review. The list is updated weekly and identifies basic permit information including the date of submission and the expected date of PLI review. The order of the list corresponds to PLI’s review order.
The data can be searched and/or filtered by: permit #, permit type, address, work description, occupancy, status, submitted date, and expected date. This resource is helpful in confirming when to expect a PLI response and the position of an individual permit in relation to all pending permits.
Please See PLI's Application Review for review time frames.
Agency Counter
The Agency Counter website is an interactive map that tracks PLI permits, PLI enforcement actions, PLI licenses, and the Department of City Planning’s development applications.
Under the “Building” view, users can search by address, neighborhood or zip to look for open and closed PLI permits. Users can find individual permits by filtering by the permit number. Additional filters can be applied based on status (open/complete) and permit type. This information is updated on a daily basis. This resource is useful for confirming the current status and history of a permit.