Registered Community Organizations

Registered Community Organization (RCO) Program

The City of Pittsburgh’s Registered Community Organization Program was created in 2019 with the intent to:

  • Foster informed and inclusive participation from as many neighborhood stakeholders as possible in development processes.
  • Enhance cooperation and the flow of information between community organizations, stakeholders, City departments, and various development agencies.
  • Empower community organizations to engage in civic affairs, improving neighborhood livability and character.

What is an RCO & what do they do?

  • An RCO is a non-profit community organization or collaboration of community organizations that are registered with the Department of City Planning (DCP) as stakeholders of a specific geographic area.
  • RCOs help residents and businesses obtain and share information, support community networks, and work to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. RCOs also play a key role in the development process by hosting Development Activities Meetings (D.A.M.s) to improve transparency for local projects and the members of involved neighborhoods.

What are the benefits of becoming an RCO?

  • Receive notice of local projects requiring a public hearing that meet a development threshold
  • Guaranteed Development Activity Meeting (D.A.M.) with project developer/applicant prior to a public hearing for projects meeting a D.A.M. threshold
  • Develop Neighborhood Plans in collaboration with the DCP so that they may be adopted by the Planning Commission
  • Featured on official maps, brochures, and directories as part of the City RCO network
  • Become a part of a citywide network of community groups that receive resources and training from the DCP.

What is the role of RCOs in the Development Activity Meeting (D.A.M.) process?

  • Notify affected residents, community members and stakeholders about upcoming D.A.M. at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
  • Convene and host D.A.M. at an open, ADA accessible facility or virtually.
  • Engage with applicant (developer) with meaningful feedback about the proposed project.
  • Create agenda and take meeting notes for D.A.M.
  • Share notes publicly with affected groups in geography.

RCOs are notified by the DCP whenever a public hearing is required for projects meeting a specific development threshold is formally submitted to the City within their geographic boundaries. If there is only one (1) affected RCO for a property, this organization coordinates with the applicant to convene the public D.A.M. at which applicants are required to attend and present their proposal at least 30 days prior to the public hearing. Where there is more than one RCO in an area, the DCP will coordinate the meeting in cooperation with all affected RCOs to convene the public meeting at which applicants are required to attend and present their proposal at least 30 days prior to the public hearing.

Individual community members and/or organizations are entitled to testify and/or to send letters to the Boards and Commissions regardless of RCO status.

Want to be an RCO?

RCO Registration

Registration is free. Applications will be accepted throughout the year. Please download an application HERE(PDF, 267KB).

Resources for the registration process are available on the Become a RCO page.

General Information

If you have any questions, please contact the RCO Program Administration team at