Neighborhood of Focus

Starting in 2014, the CPC has chosen a specific area of the City in which to address quality of life issues for a one to two year period. We engage community leaders and individuals who are already making a great impact in their neighborhood and provide support for more robust beautification initiatives.

2021-2022 – Esplen

Highlights coming soon!

2019-2020 – Homewood

2019 – NICHE Project in Homewood:

NICHE hosted “in the community” day for employees in Homewood on May 3 (I believe this was supported by ACW/PRC/Alicia). The company brought 80 volunteers to clean up litter, dump sites, artistic board ups, community garden support and data surveying. NaTisha from OBB used the data surveying on Frankstown, Bennett St., Wheller St. Hamilton, Flurry, Fursoma, Montcello. The group also worked with Rhonda and Alex to assist with gardens.

Richard King Mellon provided a grant for 6 cameras in Homewood. Missy Rosenfeld was coordinating placement and hanging.

Grounded was working with the City to participate in a vacant lots program in Homewood, with 100 additional lots being maintained through the program. Also at this meeting, ACW and you worked with NaTisha to clean up a dumping issue near a local bus stop (the report was through 311).

Homewood Cluster Stewards – OBB has Homewood broken in to nine clusters. For this program, they identified 6 program participates with 5 completing the training and program. Each participant was assigned a cluster or section of clusters. These leaders were paid $15 hours to clean up litter hot spots in their assigned cluster(s). Leaders could work up to 10 hours per week for up to 10 weeks. After three months, leaders devoted 453 hours to litter pick up through 125 different shifts. They filled 345 trash bags, which is estimated to b 5,190 lbs of litter. Each completed shift included a site report with litter ratings, before/after photos, and documentation of the amount of material removed.

2017-2018 – Perry Hilltop and Fineview

The CPC facilitated our second Artistic Board up Project in the City of Pittsburgh in 2017 in our Neighborhood of Focus. Artistic board-up is a neighborhood revitalization initiative that transforms vacant properties through creativity and community engagement. Boarding up these homes is the first step in making them safe, but Artistic Board up takes the process a step further by painting images of doors and windows on the boards to give the impression that the property, while abandoned, is still cared for. With the guidance of the Perry Hilltop and Fineview Citizens Councils, the CPC are focused on two commercial properties that sit in a highly-traveled area of Perry Hilltop. The properties at 2107 and 2115 Perrysville were also chosen due to their proximity to one another and because they sit in a targeted area for redevelopment in the next few years. On October 21st the CPC worked in conjunction with Perry Hilltop/Fineview Citizens Council and volunteers from the University of Pittsburgh during Pitt’s Make A Difference Day.

PRC and ACW collaborated with the City of Pittsburgh and eLoop LLC, a local E-Steward Certified electronics recycler, to host a small-scale Hard to Recycle Collection event at the Pittsburgh Project to target residents of Perry South and Fineview. 90 residents participated in the program, successfully recycling 141 televisions, computers, and monitors as well as 18 tires and 6 appliances. Multiple participants brought materials that had been illegally dumped in their neighborhoods to be responsibly recycled.

2015-2016 – Hilltop District – Allentown, Beltzhoover, and Knoxville

Working with the Hilltop Alliance and Urbankind Institute, some of the highlights include:

  • Artistic board-up of 6 abandoned and blighted homes
  • Allegheny CleanWays cleared 89 dump sites and removed more than 200 tons of trash, including 1,403 tires
  • 10,658 lbs of electronics, 146 tires, and 25 appliances collected at the Hard-to-Recycle event organized by the Pennsylvania Resources Council and the Department of Public Works

2014-2015 – Hazelwood

Working with the Hazelwood Initiative and Center of Life, some of our highlights include:

  • Litter Prevention education at Youth Summer Camp
  • Installation of camera in Hazelwood Greenway to monitor illegal dumping
  • Over 14 vacant lots and 3 roadsides cleared of 50,000 pounds of debris and vegetation by CPC member organization Allegheny CleanWays
  • 6,500 pounds of electronics and 92 Tires collected at neighborhood Hard to Recycle Collection organized by CPC member organization the Pennsylvania Resources Council

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