City of Pittsburgh candidates are subject to contribution limits that currently match the limits for federal candidates. New FEC contribution limits are in effect. View the full chart. Following is an image to highlight the relevant column:
As you can see from the prior FEC chart, limits increased from $2,900 to $3,300 for contributions from Individuals and non-multicandidate PACs. The other donor categories remain the same, with limits of $2,000 or $5,000.
Per Pittsburgh Code Section 198.02, if a candidate, or candidate committee, accepted donations earlier this year, that candidate or committee can now follow up with applicable donors and request up to an additional $400, the difference between the old limit and new.
Contribution limits are tied to the election cycle. Each election cycle starts the date after the last covered election for the desired seat. For most City of Pittsburgh races, the last covered election is the general election, or for district 5, it is the special election. The election cycle will conclude on the date of the primary election. Then, a new election cycle begins for the few months between the primary and general elections.
The length of election cycles, and thus relative contribution limits, is a matter under consideration for potential revision to Chapter 198. You can voice your opinion about campaign finance reporting and contribution limits.
Additionally, City of Pittsburgh employees are limited to contributing $100 or $200 to their employer within a four-year consecutive period, as detailed in § 197.04.