Asset Management
Asset Management provides fixed asset inventory information and analysis pertaining to the City's buildings, land and equipment to user departments and the City Controller's Office. Our goal is to ensure that our assets are being used in the most effective way possible.
The City of Pittsburgh owns, operates, and maintains over 300 facilities, ranging from offices to Police, Fire, and EMS Departments to Recreation and Senior Centers, Concession Stands, and Dugouts.
The City is working with Massaro CM Services, LLC. to assess City Facilities.
Facilities Optimization Plan
The Facilities Optimization Plan was completed by Massaro CM Services. They provided the City of Pittsburgh with a 40-Year Investment Strategy for City owned facilities. This plan was developed by gathering data from a comprehensive assessment of the condition of each facility and its major components and identifying, prioritizing, and providing cost estimates for capital improvements. In addition to the condition assessment, Massaro also completed an assessment of the programmatic uses of each facility to identify possible opportunities to create efficiencies in the uses of City facilities.
The data collected in the condition assessment was entered into the City’s Cartegraph Asset Management System, allowing the City to access all of the information in one central location. The information gathered will give the City the ability to monitor the condition of each facility and its components as they progress through their useful lifecycles. This will allow the City to establish proper maintenance and inspection schedules, and plan data informed capital improvements on a proactive basis for years to come, leading to improved quality of City facilities and significant cost savings.
The views and opinions in the report are those of Massaro CM Services based on their professional experience and expertise. The City of Pittsburgh will determine the appropriate course of action regarding how to use the data through a collaborative effort, including members of City Council, departments, and community input.
Links to the report can be found here (due to the size of these documents it is recommended to download through Internet Explorer):
The numerous parks throughout the City of Pittsburgh provide hiking trails, picnic shelters, playgrounds.
Citiparks assets offered are swimming pools, spray parks, sports courts, ball fields, the Bob O’Conner Golf Course, Schenley Oval Sportsplex, Schenley Park Skating Rink, and Riverview Park Soccer Field.
Streets, sidewalks, bridges, and steps are all assets that the City of Pittsburgh owns and maintains.
Capital Assets and Property Control Items
Capital Assets are major assets that are used in governmental operation and that benefit more than a single fiscal period. The City of Pittsburgh has determined that an asset of significant value shall be defined as an item with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater and buildings structures and capital leases with a value of at least $50,000. If an asset meets the threshold test of significant value and has a useful life of at least 2 years, it shall be classified as a Capital Asset and be included in the Capital Asset Accounting System.
The City defines Property Control Items to be assets with useful lives of two years or more, but with an acquisition cost of less than $5,000 (and greater than $1,000). Unlike those assets costing more than $5,000, Property Control Items are not capitalized. They are not carried on the City’s books with a value. They are not depreciated.
When an asset of the City of Pittsburgh has run its useful life for the City, we will auction it online through a partnership with GovDeals. Assets ranging from desks and filing cabinets, to vehicles and heavy equipment will be auctioned off as they are decommissioned.