Due Date
15th of April, for prior activity.
Tax Rate
Who Pays the Tax?
Any person, organization, foundation, corporation or unincorporated association operating under a non-profit charter or recognized as a non-profit entity by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, colleges, universities, schools other than elementary and secondary schools, cemeteries, veterans organizations, recreational centers, fund-raising organizations and all other organizations which conduct medical, educational, beneficial, social, recreational, vocational, or any other type of service for which a charge is made, as a non-profit entity, in the City of Pittsburgh. Common examples of taxpayers are charities, social clubs, fraternal benefit organizations, business leagues, and civic leagues.
What Gross Receipts Are Subject to Tax?
Generally, all revenue from services performed within the City limits are subject to tax. Individual charges for services rendered to a member or nonmember are subject to tax. Membership fees and charitable contributions are not subject to tax.
All gross receipts of an Institution of Purely Public Charity, which has a non-profit sales tax exemption issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, are not subject to tax.
Important Dates
You must file the Institution and Service Privilege Tax Return and payment with the City Treasurer on or before the 15th day of April, reporting the preceding year’s activity on the form provided.
New businesses must file the return with the City Treasurer within forty (40) days of starting the service with the institution’s name, the services rendered, the institution address, and such other information as may be necessary in arriving at the actual volume of services transacted by it during the first month of service and amount of tax due.
Every person or institution who engages in a temporary/seasonal service shall, within seven (7) days from the day it completes such service, file a return with the City Treasurer with the institution’s name, service, the person or institution address, and such other information as may be necessary in arriving at the actual gross volume of service, during the tax period and the amount of tax due.
Tax Rates, Penalties, and Fees
How much is it?
The tax rate is six (6) mills on each dollar of annual gross receipts. (Six mills equals $6.00 per $1,000 or 6/10 of 1%). Exempt receipts are not taxed. A reduced tax rate of two mills (2/10 of 1%) applies to proprietors of locations where food and beverages are sold.
For more information, see:
What happens if you don’t pay on time?
If you don’t pay on time, interest and penalties will be added to the amount you owe.
In order for a mailed report and return to be considered timely, it must be postmarked by the United States Post Office by the due date. The City Treasurer will allow for a two-day grace period for those reports and returns privately postmarked.
In order for an electronically submitted report and return to be considered timely, it must be submitted by 11:59PM Eastern Time on the due date.
Discounts and Exemptions
Are you eligible for a discount?
No discounts are available for the Institution and Service Privilege Tax.
Can you be excused from paying the tax to the City?
If you are an “Exempt Institution” under the Institution and Service Privilege Tax Regulations, you are exempt from paying the tax. Examples of Exempt Institutions include: an Institution of Purely Public Charity, any government entity, or any utility company. To prove to the City that you are an Institution of Purely Public Charity, you must have a sales tax exemption as a non-profit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue and show your exemption number on the tax return. Affiliates of Institutions of Purely Public Charity which do not have their own sales tax exemption are not exempt.
How to Pay
By mail:
- Make check payable to: “Treasurer, City of Pittsburgh.”
- Write your city account number on your check
- Do not send cash
- Mail to: City Treasurer ISP Tax, 414 Grant St. STE 224, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2476
- A $30.00 fee will be assessed for any check returned from the bank for any reason.
In Person:
- Visit the first floor payment windows of the City Treasurer’s Office in the City-County Building at 414 Grant St, Pittsburgh PA.
- A check or cash are acceptable for in-person payments.
Tax Code
The relevant ordinance is Section 247 of the Pittsburgh Municipal Code.
Forms and Instructions
The Institution and Service Privilege Tax Form, as well as instructions that apply to this and other tax types.
Related Content
The Institution and Service Privilege Tax Regulations
Additional information call 412-255-2525