Parks Rules

  • No littering (Ordinance 473.02b); violators subject to citation and/or fine.
  • Camping in parks is prohibited (Ordinance 473.04d).
  • Restrooms must be left in clean and orderly condition (Ordinance 473.01a).
  • No glass bottles/containers/items allowed (Ordinance 473.08); violators subject to fine(s).
  • Noise levels, including sound equipment, must conform to Ordinance 601.04.
  • Vehicles must park in approved locations; service roads are for Authorized Vehicles Only, not the permit holder and/or guests.
  • Parking on lawns is strictly prohibited and damages will be assessed to the permit holder (Ordinance 473.03b).
  • No alcoholic beverages (Ordinance 473.05a) are allowed in parks unless permitted.
  • No smoking or tobacco use of any kind are allowed in parks, including electronic cigarettes or vaporizing devices (Ordinance 473.05h).
  • No model airplanes or drones are allowed in parks (Ordinance 473.04f).
  • Park hours are 6 am until sunset for unlighted areas and 11 pm for lighted areas with exceptions if noted within permit (Ordinance 473.07a).
  • Dogs are not permitted on playgrounds, courts, or ball fields at any time (Ordinance 473.05b).
  • Do not stake into tree pits due to electrical and irrigation lines.
  • Do not stake tents or equipment in any park. Water, sand or concrete ballasts are allowable alternatives for securing these items.
  • Do not attach any sign, advertisement or notice to any tree or shrub (Ordinance 483.01).
  • The City has the right and the authority to revoke a permit upon finding a violation of any rule or ordinance, or upon good cause shown (Ordinance 473.07e).
  • The City has the right and the authority to eject from the park any person acting in violation of any park rule or regulation (Ordinance 473.07f).
  • The City has the right and the authority to seize and confiscate any property, thing or device in the park that is in violation of any park rules and regulations (Ordinance 473.07g).

Permit Stipulations Specific to the Recreational Area of Mellon Park (Bounded by Fifth and Penn Avenues)

  • Any rules, regulations and/or guidelines noted above apply to this park facility.
  • All amplified sound systems must be positioned away from Fifth Avenue and must face towards Penn Avenue.
  • The sound technician must provide a decibel meter as part of their contractual arrangements.
  • Sound levels must remain within the prescribed range as stipulated in the Pittsburgh Code Ordinance 601.04.

Permit Stipulations Specific to the Mellon Park - Walled Garden (a.k.a. Anne Katherine Seamens Memorial Garden)

  • All rules, regulations and/or guidelines noted above apply to this park facility.
  • Due to waterlines, irrigation heads, and underground electric/lighting, a non-ground penetrating method for securing tents must be utilized. Water barrels concrete weights or sand bags etc are the preferred method.
  • No flooring or carpeting will be allowed.
  • Preference for one (1) week between events; events with greater than 100 attendees may cause for longer periods between events (this includes setup and takedown).
  • No vehicles are permitted.
  • Sanitary facilities must be staged on hard surfaces and placed for easy service by the vendor.
  • If vending on site, grease and gray water must be stored in tanks and properly disposed of offsite.
  • No staking of any signs, banners, tents or other ground penetrating objects.

Permit Stipulations Specific to Walks, Runs, Races, Cross-Country Events, Festivals, Etc.

  • Any rules, regulations and/or guidelines noted in upper half of document also apply here.
  • No permanent markings on hard surfaces or trees; violators will be charged for removal (Ordinance 473.01a1).
  • Event holder must obtain a Special Event Permit and/or Ballfield Permit.
  • Event holder is responsible for any damage.
  • No activity is to take place on the dirt infields, they must be blocked off with Bike Fencing available from DPW. Price $15.00/fence panel per day.
  • Event holder must contact the park manager and inspect the field before and after the event.
  • Inspections may occur during the event, any violations are to be corrected immediately.