Community Garden Plots

Gardeners of all experience levels are welcome to rent a plot and grow their own food in following Pittsburgh community gardens. City of Pittsburgh Community Gardens are available for City of Pittsburgh residents only.

Beechview Community Garden

This garden is located in Beechview. It has many plots and offers large raised beds. It is located near the Vanucci Playground between Westfield St and Rockland Ave. There are roughly 50 plots in this garden and gardeners of all experience levels are welcome as there are many vacancies.

Bandi Schaum Community Garden

This garden is located on the site of an old baseball field in Southside. It is a project of the City of Pittsburgh in conjunction with Southside Slopes Neighborhood Association, South Side Community Council, and Grow Pittsburgh. This garden has over 75 in-ground plots of various sizes. Bandi Schaum Community Garden is a very vibrant, active and well-maintained garden. This is a good garden for beginners as the plots are smaller and there is a large community to assist you. You can find more information on the Bandi Schaum website. You may also see a map of the Highland Park Neighborhood.

Highland Park Community Garden

This garden is located on Stanton Ave in Highland Park. This is an extremely large garden with roughly 40 in-ground plots. Each plot averages 20x20 feet, with some variation. Gardeners of all experience levels are welcome, although the plots are very large and may be easier for an experienced gardener to maintain.

Morningside Community Garden at Heth's Playground

Located on Bryant Street in Morningside at Heth's Playground, this community garden has fewer than ten (10) in-ground plots that have a small group of dedicated gardeners who return year after year.