Envelope of Life

The Envelope of Life is a standardized form that provides life saving information to emergency personnel in times of crisis or medical uncertainty.

The form takes a few minutes to fill out and should be updated every 6 months.

The Envelope of LIFE(PDF, 208KB) is available as a download from this website or by email or it can be requested from EMS Headquarters at 412-622-6930.

Who Should Have the Envelope of Life?

The Envelope of Life is beneficial for everyone – from babies to seniors.

Where Should I Put My Envelope of Life?

The Envelope only works if paramedics can find it!

Here are few tips for making your envelope easy to find:

  • Display the envelope with the City of Pittsburgh seal facing OUT so that it is visible.
  • Attach the envelope to a prominent place in your house – a refrigerator, a door or somewhere else a paramedic can easily find it.
  • Keep a copy at home and one in your wallet or purse. Emergencies don't just happen at home!

The Envelope of Life Form in Different Languages