Student and Citizen's Police Academy

CPA and SPA registrations are now closed.

Citizen's Police Academy

Twice a year, the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police sponsors an opportunity for citizens in the Greater Pittsburgh community to become closely acquainted with the roles, training and responsibilities of the bureau of police.

All interested persons must complete the on-line application.

  • Citizen's Police Academy info
  • Citizen's Police Academy Application

Student Police Academy

The Pittsburgh Bureau of Police also sponsors an opportunity for high school students in the Pittsburgh community to become closely acquainted with the roles and responsibilities of the Police Bureau. The Pittsburgh Student’s Police Academy (SPA) brings the police and Greater Pittsburgh area high school communities closer together in a setting that offers a sample of police training to each participant.

All interested students must complete the online application.

  • Student Police Academy Info
  • Student Police Academy Application

Contact Us

For more information on the City of Pittsburgh Student Police Academy and/or Citizen’s Police Academy, please contact:

John Tokarski
Department of Public Safety
Suite 400 City - County Building
404 Grant Street
Pittsburgh PA 15219