Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Task Force
Thank you to those who attended the event at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater on April 24th! The fair housing policy recommendation report of the AFFH Task Force was presented to the Commission on Human Relations. Special thanks to Andre Perry of the Brookings Institution for an excellent presentation, and to the Fair Housing Partnership for your continued partnership in furthering fair housing in Pittsburgh. Check out the coverage by WESA here!
We are pleased to present the final housing poilcy recommendations of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Task Force:
Final Report
Don't have time to read the full report at the moment? Here is our Report Summary!
Fair Housing Community Meeting Information:
Thank you to everyone who attended our regional feedback sessions! At this time we are working to compile all of the community feedback to incorporate into the recommendations, and the final report of the Task Force.
Here is the link to the community feedback compiled during our regional meetings.
Below please find summaries of the Task Force recommendations discussed during the breakout sessions:
Landlord-Tenant Recommendations
Development & Zoning Recommendations
Outreach, Education & Training Recommendations
If you would like to review the complete draft recommendations, please contact us here.
The MISSION of the AFFH Task Force is to assist in jurisdictions’ efforts to affirmatively further fair housing through identifying barriers and disparities to fair housing and recommending policies to alleviate these barriers and disparities. |
The GOAL of the AFFH Task Force is to help assess current impediments to fair housing choice, and develop policy recommendations that affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) for the upcoming Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) for the City of Pittsburgh, and other jurisdictions. |
The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Task Force was initiated by the Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations in 2013 as a result of the FY 2012 Update to the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) study for the City of Pittsburgh. The AI recommended a “…Countywide Approach to Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” and suggested strategies toward the goal of “providing housing and economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons and protected classes to live and work outside impacted areas (Pg. 11).” The strategies include the following:
- 7-A: The City and County’s Human Relations Commissions should establish an Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Task Force for the Pittsburgh Region with representatives from the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City Housing Authority (HACP), the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA), the other two federal CDBG Entitlement Communities in Allegheny County (McKeesport and Penn Hills), and other groups and organizations which promote fair housing.
- 7-B: “The four Federal Entitlement jurisdictions should promote and encourage the development of affordable housing and encourage the development of affordable housing throughout the Pittsburgh Region in areas that are not economically or racially impacted.”
- 7-C: “Improve intergovernmental and interagency cooperation in sharing all information pertaining to discrimination cases filed within the jurisdiction of the City of Pittsburgh (Pg. 11).”
Urban Design Ventures. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. United States. City of Pittsburgh. Department of City Planning. 22 Feb.2013. Web. 17 May 2016.
Learn more about Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing here.
AFFH Press Releases:
April 11, 2018 press conference to release the Task Force community engagement plan. Pictured: Cheryl Fuller, Helen Gerhardt, Carlos Torres, and Paul O'Hanlon
*January 5, 2018 - HUD Federal Register Notice Regarding AFH Extension
*April 2018 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act - Video from the event
*April 2017 Fair Housing Month
The Commission held an exhibit in the City-County Building lobby to spread the word on fair housing. Commissioner Gerhardt, member of the Housing Committee and Chair of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Task Force, spoke to the City's communications team regarding the Commission's role in furthering fair housing in the City of Pittsburgh. Check out the video here!
Special thanks to David Finer, Alex Fisher and their crew! See more of their work at @CityChannelPGH
*Residential Segregation: What are the Remedies?
by Richard Rothstein (Introduction by Deputy Director Sarah Kinter)
*September 21, 2016
Policing Reform, Community, and Ethical Leadership
by former Police Chief Cameron McLay
The Housing and Urban Development Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Final Rule
Affordable Housing Task Force Recommendations
If you or your organization would like to become a member of the AFFH Task Force, please complete this form and return it to
Updated: 10/12/2018