Legislative Information Center

Welcome to the City of Pittsburgh's Legislative Information Center (LIC)!

Launch the Legislative Information Center

City Council takes pride in its open form of government and is pleased to provide state-of-the-art technology to assist the public in tracking and retrieving legislation.

Below you will find three tabs: Legislation, Video Streaming, and Meeting Calendar. Please see each tab and view some information we've assembled about using the LIC.

Note: Official, certified copies can be obtained in person from the City Clerk's Office.

Searching for Legislation

In the LIC, the Legislation page is a common starting point for users. You may search the legislation database by keyword, by year, by type, and more by means of an advanced search interface (you will see the Advanced Search link to the right of the search controls). View more detailed help with searching.

After you initiate a search, your results are returned in rows below the search interface. Legislative File numbers are hyperlinked to Detail pages.

Detail Pages

A Legislative Detail page contains a wealth of information about a specific piece of legislation - sponsors, titles, committee of control, etc. Any attachments to the legislation are available here.

The Legislative Detail page is where you can track Actions taken as the file moves through the legislative process. You can see how votes were cast by clicking Action Details. All details of the meeting are linked to - click Meeting Details.

After meetings take place, the City Clerk's office works hard to edit and archive Meeting Video. When the video clip has been archived, you will find a link on the Legislative Detail page. For more help with video, please go to the Video Streaming tab above.

Quick Help & Hints

When searching for legislation, make sure to check what year you are searching. The search control defaults to the current year. You may track specific legislation and receive updates via RSS. Look for the RSS icon: RSS

Attachment Files
Legislative attachments are posted in .doc format. For many users, these files will open in Microsoft Word. If you do not have Word, then please be aware that many free alternatives exist. For example, OpenOffice.org is an excellent free choice available for all major operating systems.

Other Files
Many other files in the LIC are offered in PDF format. Most users probably have a PDF Reader configured - but a variety of readers for all major operating systems are available here.