The Pittsburgh Citywide Task Force on Employee Ownership

The Pittsburgh Citywide Task Force on Employee Ownership was formed to bring together stakeholders from local government, state government, economic development groups, nonprofits, businesses, banks, and higher education to promote and help create employee-owned businesses from Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) to Employee Owned Business Enterprises in Pennsylvania. 

This has the potential to dramatically change the lives of Pittsburghers for the better. And it is already becoming a model for municipalities throughout the nation.

  • ESOP companies are three to four times more likely to retain staff, less likely to make pay cuts, and more likely to prepare employees for retirement than the standard business model. S Corporation ESOPs provided higher distributions per participant than 401(k) plans. 
  • Businesses with employee ownership often see greater productivity, higher profitability, and increased revenue.
  • When formed properly, an ESOP transaction preserves the legacy of the business that an owner helped create, while providing tax and financial benefits to the former business owner, the company, and the employees. 
  • Employee ownership keeps jobs in our communities, providing long-term benefits to the local economy. 

Please visit if you are interested in learning more about employee ownership or if you are wondering if converting to an employee ownership model is viable for your business. 


Check out the City Cast Pittsburgh Podcast from September - Pittsburgh Is Ahead of The Curve In Employee-Owned Businesses 



Goals and Objectives

  • Assess the economic landscape in the Council Districts of Pittsburgh to determine the opportunities/challenges for the creation of employee-owners. 

    • Who are the target businesses?

Read about the first meeting!

Visit the Pennsylvania Center for Employee Ownership (PaCEO) website for more information on the PaCEO's work throughout the region.