Oakland Plan Existing Conditions Report (2020)
This Existing Conditions Report for the Oakland Plan provides a common set of tools, baselines, and data for discussion during the neighborhood plan process, based on a variety of sources including the Census, market transactions, City and County data sources, site surveys, and analysis. Community members and participants will bring their own experiences, needs, history, and deeper understanding of many topics that data cannot fully address.
Please note: While transportation topics are briefly addressed in Chapter 2: Oakland the Destination, separate consultants are supporting the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, Port Authority of Allegheny County, and the Mobility Action Team. They are responsible for the collection of more detailed transportation data and supporting the development of mobility proposals for the plan.
Download the Report by Chapter (High-Resolution):
- Chapter 1: Oakland the Neighborhood (24.7 MB)
- Chapter 2: Oakland the Workplace (21.5 MB)
- Chapter 3: Oakland the Destination (48.2 MB)
- Chapter 4: Urban Design and Development (157.4 MB)
Previous Plans
Year | Name of Plan | Description |
1980 | The Oakland Plan (1980) | From 1977-1979 this plan was developed and completed in 1980 with the vision to overcome Oakland's issues by working on its existing scale, rather than make major alterations. This report served more as a guide and workbook for future plans and policies to address concerns raised by citizens. |
1998 | The Oakland Improvement Strategy | This plan set up four goals for Oakland: to improve Oakland's residential market; to enforce building codes, particularly among rental properties; to identify zoning changes to improve neighborhood conditions; and to improve the appearance of Oakland's major corridors. This plan focused primarily on strategies for the development, improvement and zoning of Oakland's public corridors, housing and commercial areas. |
2002 | Future of Oakland | The Future of Oakland process engaged the Oakland Task Force to develop a coordinated strategy, or roadmap, to help public and private funders and implementers focus investments and understand how projects could benefit each other. |
2004 | Oakland Transit Whitepaper | Oakland serves as the region's premiere medical, educational and cultural center, and includes a number of small institutions and businesses as well. This transit plan outlined the importance of managing and understanding transportation patterns in one of Pittsburgh's busiest districts. With help from the Oakland Task Force, this report documents the population and available modes of transportation in order to develop higher quality and more efficient transportation into and through the district. |
2004 | Project Area Master Plan: UPMC Oakland Hospitals | The UPMC Presbyterian and Montefiore Hospitals are connected and located in the heart of Oakland. An important aspect of the institution is its Internal Medicine Residency Program that provides training and educational opportunities, as well as research opportunities. |
2010 | Proposed University of Pittsburgh Institutional Master Plan Update | With the success of the 1998-2007 plan, continued discussion with external bodies, including the Planning Commission and community groups, was done for the benefit of the University and Oakland as a whole. This plan updates the University of Pittsburgh's facilities plan and reiterates the original plan's goals and principles for future development. |
2011 | Project Area Master Plan: Magee Women's Hospital of UPMC | In order to continue its history and mission to accomplish medical excellence and innovation, this plan updates the UMPC commitment to providing superior care to families in Western PA. The changes and construction of new elements outlined in this plan are a response to the needs of the community and staff of the institution. |
2012 | Innovation Oakland Master Plan | As the third largest business district in Pennsylvania, this innovative plan focuses on the benefits of technology for Oakland as a growing and vital business district. This report recommends utilizing technological innovation as a means of creating integrated systems that benefit visitors, employees and locals throughout the region. |
2012 | PreservePGH | This plan serves as part of the larger PlanPGH and focuses on Pittsburgh's cultural and historic resources, as well as how they contribute to Pittsburgh as a whole. This includes qualities such as attractiveness, economic growth potential, and living and working environments. |
2013 | OpenSpacePGH | This plan seeks to optimize Pittsburgh's open spaces, parks and recreation system. |
2014 | Oakland 2025 Master Plan | This comprehensive plan outlines the vision of sustainable living and mobility in Oakland. Through a year-long community engagement process and vast stakeholder input, this plan addresses the areas of housing, transportation, business and development, open space and art, and community building for the future of Oakland. |
2014 | Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation | The Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation lays out a number of initatives to improve equity and access to services and products through innovation and future development. This ensures that equitable access to products and services can be achieved while also using technology, ideas, personnel and inventions that can face new challenges and reach higher standards. |
2015 | Welcoming Pittsburgh | Welcoming Pittsburgh is a strategy launched by Mayor Peduto to welcome immigrant and Latino integration into the City of Pittsburgh, and commits to the livability of the city for all residents. More information available at |
2012, 2015 | Carnegie Mellon University Institutional Master Plan | As a university recognized for its high-ranking arts and technology programs, Carnegie Mellon seeks to meet its vision of meeting the changing needs of society by building upon its traditions of innovation, problem solving and interdisciplinarity. |
2015-2016 | Affordable Housing Task Force | The City of Pittsburgh's Affordable Housing Task Force examines the current and projected situation of housing affordability in Pittsburgh. This team also evaluates the current and future programs and initiatives to create new affordable housing as well as preserve existing units. |
2016 | Citywide Green First Plan | With projections of increased issues of development contributing to runoff, as well as increased intensity and frequency of storms, the Green First Plan implements green infrastructure to respond to future threats related to stormwater management and environmental change. |
2016 | Urban Forest Master Plan | Trees have been recognized as an important part of human and public health, and in order for these benefits to be experienced, this plan laid out the process to bring an urban forest to the City of Pittsburgh. |
2016 | Pittsburgh Citywide Steps Assessment | Pittsburgh is a city with many hills and as a means of connecting communities to transit and other amenities, this assessment addresses the City's pedestrian transportation network and repairs or replaces steps around the City as needed. |
2016 | Complete Streets | The creation of streets that are safe and comfortable for Pittsburghers is a part of the City's partnership with the Pittsburgh Climate Initiative as a means of reducing commuting trips and increasing the walkability of the city. |
2016 | All-In Pittsburgh | Though it is a city on the rise, Pittsburgh still faces the issue that too many citizens are cut off from opportunity as a result of poverty, structural racism and discrimination. Due to these factors, this initiative pushes for City leaders to implement equitable development strategies to ensure that everyone in the City of Pittsburgh is able to benefit from economic transformation in the City, especially those who are often left at risk of being excluded from those benefits. More information available at |
2017 | EcoInnovation District and Plan | The Uptown Task Force has provided district governance and collaboration since the EcoInnovation District Plan was formally adopted in 2017. This initative, located between Downtown Pittsburgh and Oakland, is based on the EcoDistricts model that has helped transform communities through equitable redevelopment. The vast potential of this project is seen in the plans to improve the environment, support the needs of existing residents, and expand entrepreneurship and job growth. |
2017 | Carlow University Institutional Master Plan | The components of this plan are designed to support the objectives that have been outlined in the University's Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan seeks to accelerate growth, build financial health, optimize learning, innovate through partnerships, and create transforming environments. To meet these principles, the University's IMP looks at ways to improve the quality of the campus's learning and living environments while minimizing costs and ensuring that access is efficient. |
2017 | ONEPGH Resilience Strategy | The ONEPGH resilience strategy is a guide to follow in future city plans and initiatives to ensure that collaborative efforts will be made in confronting the complex challenges face by the City of Pittsburgh. |
2018 | Neighborhood Conservation Districts | Originally based on the PreservePGH Plan, these districts serve as a zoning tool to protect the cultural and historical value of particular neighborhoods. |
2018 | Climate Action Plan 3.0 | Climate change threatens communities worldwide. This plan serves as Pittsburgh's recognition and action to mitigate potential consequences. |
2016, 2018 | Pittsburgh p4 Initiative | The p4 Initatives focus on People, Planet, Place and Performance as a unifying framework to establish Pittsburgh as a city of the future through the implementation of sustainable and innovative development. |
2019 | Inclusionary Zoning Interim Planning Overlay District (IPOD-6) | IPOD-6 is neccesary to increase the production of affordable housing to meet existing and anticipated housing needs and to provide a diverse range of housing choices within the District boundaries. |
2019 | University of Pittsburgh Campus Master Plan | This updated Master Plan maps out the University's development going into the future. It is flexible to allow for future development and has been refined to take the positions and concerns of a vast array of stakeholders into account. Due to the University's urban location and importance in the region, this roadmap outlines strategic means of campus-wide renewal and growth, while balancing the future goals of the institution and Oakland neighborhood. |
2019 | Carnegie Mellon University Institutional Master Plan Amendment | These proposed amendments were made to meet the changing developmental and insitutional needs of the University. Additions of buildings and changes to areas were made to update the campus for growth and development. |
2019 | Second Avenue Corridor Study | The recommendations that came from this study improve the mobility and access of SR 588/Second Avenue Corridor through an integrated multimodal system. |
2019-present | Pittsburgh Comprehensive Plan | Pittsburgh first adopted zoning code in 1923 and to this day, comprehensive planning efforts to continue development require a wide range of approaches to enfure that the people who live, work, learn and play in Pittsburgh are a part of the future of the City. |