Performance Point Process Guide

The Performance Points System encourages Performance Points Mapnew developments to embrace innovation and contribute to neighborhood livability. Projects can earn points that increase their density by incorporating City of Pittsburgh and community priorities such as affordable housing, public art, and energy-efficient design. This points system is part of the City’s Zoning Code (Section 915.07) and is used within a number of districts as listed below and mapped. For each performance point, up to an additional fifteen (15) feet in building height is earned (up to the area’s height maximum).

Performance Points will be evaluated and approved as a component of the Zoning Application (ZDR) and the required material will be expected with the initial application material for the ZDR case in the OneStopPGH online application portal. Applicants intending to seek Performance Points are encouraged to note that in the Pre-Application request info. Some Performance Points will require a specific Pre-Application meeting and staff will schedule that accordingly.

As more process guides are developed and approved by the City, we will add them to this site.

Zero Energy or Zero Carbon Buildings

915.07.D.1 Available in RIV, UPR, UC-E, R-MU, and UC-MU Zoning Districts

On-Site Energy Generation

915.07.D.3 Available in RIV, UPR, UC-E, R-MU, and UC-MU Zoning Districts

Affordable Housing

915.07.D.4. Available in RIV, UPR, UC-E, R-MU, and UC-MU Zoning Districts


915.07.D.5. Available in RIV, UPR, UC-E, R-MU, and UC-MU Zoning Districts

Building Reuse

915.07.D.6 Available in UPR, UC-E, R-MU, and UC-MU Zoning Districts 

Public Art

915.07.D.9. Available in RIV, UC-E, R-MU, and UC-MU Zoning Districts

Urban Fabric (conversion of structured parking)

915.07.D.10. Available in RIV Zoning District

Transit-Oriented Development

915.07.D.11 Available in RIV Zoning District 

Fresh Food Access

915.07.D.13. Available in UC-MU Zoning District

Equitable Development 

915.07.D.12 Available in UC-MU and UC-E Zoning Districts