Frequently Asked Questions

What is zoning?

Zoning regulates what structures and land are used for, where a structure may locate on a lot, and how big that structure can be. It also regulates other elements of site development, such as accessory structures, parking, and landscape. Zoning regulations are divided into zoning districts, so that use, bulk, yard and development regulations are tailored to the character of each particular zoning district.

Why did the City need a Riverfront Zoning Amendment?

A Riverfront Zoning Amendment was needed to ensure that new zoning along Pittsburgh’s riverfront would proactively address the diverse needs of existing users and stakeholders, so that new development would respond to the varied character of Pittsburgh’s riverfront neighborhoods.

What is the relationship between the Riverfront Zoning Amendment and the City’s other planning efforts?

The Riverfront Zoning Amendment is a vital tool in implementing the City’s previous and ongoing planning efforts, such as the Allegheny Riverfront Vision Plan, and the forthcoming Comprehensive Plan. These documents contain specific guidance as to how land should be managed, and how development should occur within the City of Pittsburgh. The RZA incorporated policies established through these previous and ongoing planning efforts, and establish specific development regulations that are key to implementing those policies.

Where can I learn more about the City’s now-expired Riverfront IPOD?

More information on the City of Pittsburgh’s former Riverfront Interim Planning Overlay District can be found at this link.