Conceptual Design Drawings

The Department of City Planning developed the following recommendations for schematic design of Broadway Avenue. They are summarized in the following graphic, and shown in more detail here: BAPR Schematic Design.

Context Map of Broadway Avenue showing major points of interest and indicating some of the transportation improvements

Context Map of Broadway Avenue showing major points of interest and indicating some of the transportation improvements to come out of the BAPR project
Bing Maps, 2018.


The recommendations from the planning phase (Summer 2017-Spring 2018) include:

  • Closure of all slip lanes along Broadway Avenue corridor for pedestrian and transit-user safety.
  • Repainting and addition of new piano crosswalks along the corridor.
  • Improvement of the intersection at Beechview and Broadway Avenue.
  • Public space enhancements to the Plaza at Hampshire Station.
  • Upgrade/movement of Belasco Station to become ADA accessible.
  • Public art installations at new pedestrian islands at Hampshire and Shiras Stations.
  • Reverse-angled parking throughout the main business district for increased vehicle safety.

In the construction phase (Spring 2018-present) the following changes to the presented planning recommendations include: removal of reserve-angled parking, maintain all existing parking formats.