Beechwood Boulevard Traffic Calming

Status: Under Construction

The Frick Environmental Center (FEC) is an educational and activity center for City residents and a main entry point to Frick Park. Located on Beechwood Boulevard—a curving road with frequent speeding—the FEC and Frick Park can be difficult to access on foot due to challenges crossing Beechwood Boulevard.  Additionally, a large intersection at Darlington Road acts as a high-speed slip ramp onto Beechwood Boulevard, with few motorists on Darlington Road coming to a complete stop before proceeding through the intersection.

Speed and Volume Data On Beechwood Boulevard at Darlington

Average Daily Traffic: 5,500 vehicles per day
Median Speed: 33 mph
85th Percentile Speed: 38 mph

Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Improvements on Beechwood Boulevard 

To create safer crossings, DOMI is installing pedestrian refuge islands with paint and flex posts at two new crossings. Speed humps will be installed on either side of the new crossings to encourage slower motorist speeds.

The estimated construction cost of this project is approximately $110,000. Post-construction evaluation data will be published here after the project is complete.

Diagram of project.