Curb Cuts

When do I need a Curb Cut Permit?

You must apply for a Curb Cut Permit under the following circumstances: 

New Curb Cuts: A Curb Cut Permit application must be submitted for all new curb cuts. This includes, but is not limited to, curb cuts for off-street parking such as driveways, residential garages, parking pads, parking lots, commercial garages, and off-street loading facilities. 

Existing Curb Cuts: A Curb Cut Permit application may be required for an existing curb cut when: 

  • No Curb Cut Permit application is on file
  • The parcel’s land use or occupancy changes
  • The number of parking spaces being served increases
  • The property owner proposes to modify the curb cut, such as increasing the width of the throat or flare
  • A new garage is proposed 
  • The curb cut requires repair or reconstruction (Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances § 413.02)

If you are unsure whether you need a Curb Cut Permit for proposed work, please contact the Permit Division at

How can I tell in advance whether DOMI is likely to allow my curb cut?  

All curb cuts must adhere to DOMI’s Specifications for the Installation of Curb Cuts for Off-Street Parking. Anyone proposing a curb cut that does not adhere to the City’s specifications must request an exception from DOMI. This includes, but is not limited to, special use or non-standard curb cuts such as drive-thrus, car washes, governor’s drives, on-site pick-up or drop-off areas, as well as any curb cuts that do not meet the City’s location, dimension, and/or design specifications. DOMI reviews exception requests on a case-by-case basis. Exception requests will be subject to additional review and may be granted at DOMI’s discretion. Note: DOMI provides no guarantee that an exception will be allowed

The City’s current standard detail drawings for residential and commercial curb cuts can be found at:


What do I need to do before applying for a Curb Cut Permit?

Before you can apply for your Curb Cut Permit, your proposal must go through the Zoning and Development Review (ZDR) process. You should start your ZDR application at OneStopPGH, the City’s online portal. If you have questions about the ZDR process, please email

You will be notified when your ZDR application has reached the point where you can apply for your Curb Cut Permit.  

For detailed information about this permit and the application process, review the Curb Cut Permit Information Sheet before applying.   


How do I apply for a Curb Cut Permit?

Once you have received notification from City staff that your ZDR application has progressed far enough that you can apply for your Curb Cut Permit, you should start your permit application at OneStopPGH.


What documents do I need to submit with my permit application?

  • An 11” x 17” site plan submitted as a PDF (required)
  • Photo(s) of the existing conditions of sidewalk, curb, and roadway at the approximate location of the curb cut (required). Screenshots and photos taken from online mapping services like Google Maps will not be accepted
  • A Right-of-Way Improvement Plan (when applicable: optional at application, may be required for issuance)
  • A letter to the Director of DOMI requesting an exception (when applicable: required). Must provide clear justification for why the City’s curb cut specifications and standards cannot be met as well as a proposal for how all detrimental impacts of the proposed curb cut will be mitigated. DOMI may require additional supporting documentation


Will my curb cut need to be inspected?


Yes. All permitted work in the ROW is subject to inspection by DOMI staff. See the department’s Permit Inspection Guide for more details about the inspections required for a Curb Cut Permit.