List Street Landslide Remediation
Spring Hill - This project was initiated due to a landslide along List Street. This roadway is the only access to about 6 homes along List Street & Schnittgen Street. To help ease the access conditions during construction, a set of wood steps have been constructed from Buente Street to List Street. The project will construct a steel beam retaining wall with concrete lagging. It will tie into an existing wall of similar construction. The contract has been awarded & once construction begins, is anticipated to take 168 days.
List Street is scheduled to close Monday November 4th and will remain closed for an estimated 10 weeks for construction.
Project Timeline
- November 4, 2019 - Street Closure Begins
- August 20, 2019 - Notice to Proceed
- August 1, 2019 - Contract Executed
- May 23, 2019 - Construction Bid Opened
- May 24, 2019 - Geotechnical Investigation Completed
Funding Sources
- Design: $81,430.58
- Construction: $952,217.95
- 2019 Slope Failure Capital Account