Policies and Standards
The following table lists DOMI’s current policies and standards organized by general topic. You can find a policy by browsing the table below or by using the search function. For example, if you wanted to find the City’s curb cut standards you could search for curb, cut, driveway, ramp, or standard, among other terms.
Frequently used City Standards of Construction detail drawings, including roadway, sidewalk, curb, curb ramps, and tree pits, have been made accessible in Appendix B of the 2017 Right-of-Way Manual. These 2017 Standards can also be accessed here.
For information on DOMI's permits, licenses, and plan reviews, please visit https://pittsburghpa.gov/domi/row-info
We continue to create and revise our policies and standards, and we will be adding to this list in the coming months. Please check back regularly for updates.