Safe Routes to School

Photos of three different crossing guards escorting children through cross-walks.



School's Open: Drive Carefully!

Welcome to the City of Pittsburgh Safe Routes to School (SRTS) page.

The mission of Safe Routes to School is to increase the number of students biking and walking to school through education, encouragement, and safety improvements. Creating healthy communities by providing safer walking, bicycling and riding routes while educating and encouraging students. The goal of the Safe Routes to School program is to:

  • Engage with community members and working with existing community organizations how Safe Routes to School initiatives should begin 
  • Educate school aged children in safe walking and biking practices
  • Encourage children to use an active mode of transportation
  • Provide engineering improvements around the schools such as crosswalks, signage and sidewalks
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the program activities and engineering improvements

Illustrated kids crossing street using cross-walk.

DOMI Mascot Character - post sign character


Could Your School Use A "FREE" Bike Rack?

Metal loop sidwalk bike rack

City of Pittsburgh Complete Street Bike Rack

How to request a bike rack:

  • Request can be put through SRTS Website/email address:
  • The request should include: 1. Written approval from the School administrator (Principal or facility administrator) 2. Identified location of rack placement (the surface needs to be concrete)
  • Each school can request up to 2 sidewalk U racks.
  • If school has installation capacity, city will just provide them the rack (Preferred). If not, city will assist in the installation but that will be evaluated case by case.
  • Based on inventory & funding availability, City can accept or reject the request.
  • City of Pittsburgh, DOMI contact person: Panini Chowdhury


Contact Us Via the Online Form or by Email

Harriet C. Jackson
City of Pittsburgh
Safe Routes to School Coordinator
Phone: 412-255-2463
Cell: 412-459-2586