Transportation Development Review

The Department of Mobility and infrastructure (DOMI) is responsible for the safe transportation of people and goods throughout the city of Pittsburgh, and for managing the planning, operations, and improvement of the public rights-of-way (ROW). As one means to achieve this mission, DOMI evaluates the impact of certain development actions on the City’s multimodal transportation network.

Review actions may include land development-related activities such as:

  • Site Plan Review
  • Transportation Impact Study
  • Transportation Demand Management
  • ROW Permits
  • ROW Improvement Plans


Curb Cuts

Click here to access more information on the Curb Cuts Page


Site Plan Review

The level of transportation review required for a land development project is tailored to the scale, use, context, and unique features of the proposed site and runs concurrent with Department of City Planning (DCP) Zoning review. For some projects, DOMI simply acts as reviewer for the site plan submitted to Zoning. For other developments, additional material and studies are needed for DOMI to fully evaluate the impact of the proposed project. In the latter case, DCP staff will advise the application if the land development proposal may require additional review such as a transportation impact study or ROW improvement plan.

Click here to access more information on the Zoning and Development review Division


Transportation Impact Study

A Transportation Impact Study (TIS) will be required when a development is anticipated to impact the adjacent roadway network in a manner where network capacity impacts are expected and mitigations are necessary in order to support the proposed development. The scope of the TIS will be determined during a scoping meeting with DOMI. The following documents were developed to provide guidance on the transportation review process.

Click here to access the Transportation Impact Review Guidelines (PDF)

Click here to access the Transportation Impact Scoping Form (PDF)


Transportation Demand Management

Transportation demand management (TDM) refers to the tools and strategies used to increase the efficiency of the transportation network by meeting the demand for travel through transportation options that do not contribute to peak hour vehicle congestion. The goal of TDM is to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips by making it easier and more attractive for travelers to utilize transit, biking, walking, and other efficient travel options. TDM plans for new developments are identified during the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) transportation impact review process for development projects.

Click here to access the Transportation Demand Management Guidelines for New Development (PDF)


ROW Permits

Before work within public right-of-way can begin, the appropriate permit(s) shall be obtained from the applicable DOMI permit office.

Click here to access the DOMI permit webpage


ROW Improvement Plan

Improvements within the public ROW which alter the existing geometry, composition, or operation of the right(s)-of-way (i.e. Topographical changes, curb line modification, intersection upgrades, new public infrastructure, etc.) require a ROW Improvement Plan.

Click here to access our ROW Procedures Manual


Questions about this webpage should be directed to Angie Martinez at