Walk & Roll to School Day
2024 Spring SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day Winner: Pittsburgh Faison K-5 School
Pittsburgh Faison K-5 School, this is their 3rd SRTS Golden Sneaker Award.
2024 Spring SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day
Congratulations Pittsburgh Faison K-5 School Fall 2023 Golden Sneaker Award Winner
Safe Routes to School Coordinator Harriet Jackson and School Crossing Guards Donna McManus and Colleen Buckley visited Pittsburgh Faison and awarded the SRTS Golden Sneaker Award to Dr. Patterson, School Principal and Ms. Street, Community Schools Site Manager and students with their 2nd SRTS Golden Sneaker Award. Pittsburgh Faison had the most walkers and rollers to school on Walk & Roll to School Day in October.
Safe Routes to School Walk & Roll to School Day event is held twice a year in May and October to encourage students and their families to walk or bike to school. Schools must sign up to participate in order to win the SRTS Golden Sneaker Award.
2023 Fall SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day
Thank you to all the schools that participated in the City of Pittsburgh DOMI Safe Routes to School Walk & Roll to School Day event. It was a huge success with every school adding their own touch to Walk & Roll to School Day.
Thank you to Mayor Gainey, the City of Pittsburgh Public Safety Bureau Chiefs, DOMI staff, BikePGH, Iceburgh and volunteers for walking and rolling with students and their families.
2023 Spring SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day
Walk to School Day Event Tally
You Did It Certificate May 2023
Thank you to all the volunteers:
- BikePGH
- Mayor Gainey's Office
- City of Pittsburgh Crossing Guards
- City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police
- Pittsburgh Penguins Iceburgh
- Homewood Children's Village
- Urban Redevelopment Authority
Golden Sneaker Award Winner: Pittsburgh Faison K-5
The Safe Routes to School program awarded Pittsburgh Faison K-5 with the Golden Sneaker Award for having the most student walkers and rollers participate in the Spring SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day 2023. The award was presented to Mr. Mandarino, Health & PE Teacher and Ms. Street, Community Schools Site Manager by Harriet C. Jackson, SRTS Coordinator and Donna McManus, City of Pittsburgh School Guard Supervisor. The whole purpose to celebrate Walk & Roll to School Day is to bring awareness to the community, to have a safe route for students to utilize while walking and rolling to and from school. Thank you to all the students, parents, guardians, teachers, crossing guards, and principals for participating in the SRTS Walk and Roll to School Day event. Have a safe summer!!!
2022 Spring SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day
Golden Sneaker Award Winner: Pittsburgh Brookline School
The Safe Routes to School program awarded Pittsburgh Brookline PreK-8 school with the Golden Sneaker Award for having the most students participate in the SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day event held in May. The Golden Sneaker Award was presented to Assistant Principal May and student walkers during their FUN Day event last week. On hand to present the award was Harriet Jackson (SRTS Program Coordinator), Donna McManus and Jeanie Cusick (Crossing Guards), Blake Plavchak (Chief of Staff for Councilman Coghill) and Megan Patton (PPS Transportation Director).
Pittsburgh Montessori PreK-5 School was recognized because it had the most students to bike to school on May 4th for Walk & Roll to School Day.
2022 Fall SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day
Golden Sneaker Award Winner: Pittsburgh Arlington K-8 School
The Safe Routes to School program awarded Pittsburgh Arlington K-8 school with the Golden Sneaker Award for having the most student walkers participate in the October SRTS Walk & Roll to School to Day Fall 2022.
The award was presented to Arlington K-8 Principal, Ms. Berezo by SRTS Coordinator Harriet C. Jackson, Donna McManus, City of Pittsburgh Crossing Guard Supervisior, Sharon Watkins and Ricardo Williams from the Office of Mayor Gainey.
Thank you to all the students, parents, guardians, teachers, crossing guards, and principals for participating in the SRTS Walk & Roll to School Day event.
Participating schools:
- Pittsburgh Arlington
- Pittsburgh Brookline
- Pittsburgh CAPA
- Pittsburgh Faison
- Pittsburgh Manchester
- Pittsburgh Roosevelt
- Pittsburgh West Liberty
Thank you to our partners for volunteering at schools:
- PennDOT
- BikePGH
- City of Pittsburgh Crossing Guards
- Mayor Gainey's Office
- City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police
- Pittsburgh Penguins Iceburg
2021 Fall SRTS Walk to School Day
SRTS Golden Sneaker Award Winner for Walk to School Day 2021
"Pittsburgh Dilworth Traditional Academy"
Principal Zyhier with her Dilworth scholars accepting the SRTS Golden Sneaker Award.
Donna McManus, Crossing Guard Supervisor; Harriet Jackson, SRTS Program Coordinator: Dr. Wayne Walters, PPS Interim Superintendent; Ms. Rita, Dilworth's crossing guard and Assistant Police Chief Anna Kudrav, Pittsburgh Bureau of Police.
Thank you to all the schools and partners that participated.
Safe Routes to School PGH wants to see your Walk to School Day pictures!!!
Send them to saferoutestoschool@pittsburghpa.gov