Snow and Ice

Snow Plow Truck - plowing city street.

If you want to report a street in need of ice or snow removal, please call 24 hours after the snowfall has ended if our trucks have not plowed or salted your street by then. To report an icy roadway, please call 412-255-2621 or contact the 311 Response Center.


The goal of the snow and ice control program is to keep vehicular traffic moving on Pittsburgh's over 1,200 miles of streets during and following snowstorms. To accomplish this goal, Public Work's fleet is equipped with plows and computerized salt spreaders. The department's personnel are trained in the use of snow removal and salting equipment to ensure high efficiency.

Our goals are:

  • Meet Public Safety Needs: Maintain passable roadways to hospitals, schools, fire and police stations.
  • Commerce: Ensure access to large and small businesses.
  • Convenience: Enable travel along residential streets and alleyways

Snow Shoveling

The City of Pittsburgh is requesting residents' stay informed and help in the following snow removal efforts:

  • Removal of Snow & Ice From Sidewalks
  • Snow should not be shoveled or moved into the roadway.
  • Snow should be shoveled onto lawn areas or close to the curb.
  • In heavy snows, parking spaces should be sacrificed to pile snow.
  • During a snow emergency all road crews work around the clock to clear the roadways as soon as possible.
  • Requests for special plowing/salting can be made for emergency situations.