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Report at a Glance

The overall city and domain scores are about the same in 2018 as they were in 2017: Pittsburghers still experience inequitable access to opportunities and outcomes, represented by an overall city equality score of 55 that did not change from 2017 to 2018. However, underlying this score there have been some improvements in specific areas, including public safety, student success and discipline, infrastructure quality and investment, and civic engagement (grassroots and city-led), represented by positive change scores. In contrast, results show greater inequality in other metrics, including health outcomes, household income, and poverty, represented by negative change scores.

Equity Indicators Domains and Key Findings
Topic-level equality scores.
Equity Indicators domains and key findings

2018 Score: 40 | 2017 Score: 42

In Health, Food, and Safety the indicators asthma hospitalizations, domestic violence, homicides, and property crime victimization all improved in the 2018 reporting year relative to 2017 for both black and white Pittsburghers. Other health outcomes, like diabetes rates, improved in high-income areas but worsened slightly in low-income areas.

Health, Food, and Safety Score Chart

2018 Score: 52 | 2017 Score: 53

In Education, Workforce Development, and Entrepreneurship outcomes were mixed: Access to quality childcare improved across the board. Economic outcomes like median household income and poverty rates improved for white residents while they continued to decline for black residents.

Education, Workforce Development, and Entrepreneurship Score Chart

2018 Score: 57 | 2017 Score: 57

Related to Housing, Transportation, Infrastructure, and Environment, notable changes included improvements across subgroups in homelessness, access to high-frequency transit networks (HFTN), and blood lead levels, though outcomes did not improve to the same degree for black and white residents. Additionally, traffic accidents involving bikes and pedestrians in high-income areas increased relative to low-income areas.

Housing, Transportation, Infrastructure, and Environment Score Chart

2018 Score: 69 | 2017 Score: 69

Civic Engagement and Communications, indicators showed positive changes for black residents relative to white residents, including in the presence of opportunities for volunteering in neighborhoods, applications to the city’s Civic Leadership Academy (CLA), and neighborhoods participating in the Beautify Our Burgh (BOB) program.

Civic Engagement and Communications Score Card