Other Post Employment (OPEB) Trust Fund

The OPEB Fund is searching for a qualified candidate to act as custodian of the OPEB Fund and to provide investment advice to the Board of Trustees of the OPEB Fund. Read the RFP here.


Welcome to the Other Post Employment (OPEB) Trust Fund webpage of the City of Pittsburgh. 

The OPEB Trust is an entity separate from the City for the exclusive benefit of the beneficiaries and not of the city.  Ownership of OPEB trust assets shall be held by the Trustees at all times and; Except as provided in the OPEB Trust agreement with respect to distribution of assets upon OPEB Trust, termination, the OPEB Trust assets shall not be considered funds or assets of the city for any purpose.


Board Members

  • Jennifer Gula - Chair
  • Council President R. Daniel Lavelle
  • Controller Rachael Heisler
  • Paula Kellerman- Board member 
  • Krysia Kubiak- Board member


Meeting Materials


Robin Thompson
Financial Analyst, Department of Finance