PGH Lab: Innovate | Test | Scale

What is PGH Lab?

PGH Lab is...

a 6-month partnership program that connects local startups with local government

PGH Lab provides...

25k stipend and the opportunity for businesses to pilot products and services, gain feedback, and network

PGH Lab innovates...

local government through new technologies and services to be more efficient, transparent, sustainable, and inclusive

Who Should Apply?

We are particularly interested in businesses that are ready to pilot a product or service that will help the City of Pittsburgh address the following priority areas:

Process Improvement and Optimization

Streamline city services to make them simpler, faster, and less costly.

Sustainability and Environment

Help the city reduce pollution, improve resident access to resources, and integrate environmental considerations into decision making.

Equity and Inclusion

Assurance of equitable access to all city services and opportunities.

Health and Safety

Help the city address new and long-standing health, safety, and justice issues that impact its residents.

PGH Rocket Launch graphic with startup stages..

PGH Lab is an early stage incubator-like program that helps progress startups to the growth stage of their life cycle.

Cohort 10 - Coming Soon

AiMiL logo

Cohort Member:

Department of Innovation & Performance seal

City Partner:
Department of Innovation & Performance

Qarar Logo

Cohort Member:

OMB - Office of Procurment seal

City Partner:
Office of Management and Budget, Procurement Division

Velo logo.

Cohort Member:

Department of Mobility & Infrastructure Seal

City Partner:
Department of Mobility & Infrastructure

Noteful logo

Cohort Member:

Human Resources & Parks Seal

City Partners:
Department of Parks and Recreation and Department of Human Resources and Civil Service

Hear from our Last Cohort