City of Pittsburgh COVID-19 Response

The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Public Safety and Emergency Management Agency are working in consultation with the Allegheny County Health Department, the Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The City of Pittsburgh is committed to continuous operations throughout the pandemic. Please stay alert for additional notifications and resources.

If you are experiencing symptoms, please call your primary care provider. If you do not have one, call the PA Department of Health hotline at 1-877-PA-HEALTH (724-3258).

Click Here for Statewide Vaccination Information

Protective Mitigation Efforts from the Governor of Pennsylvania and Secretary of Pennsylvania Department of Health

City of Pittsburgh COVID-19 Cases Data and Information

Numbers of tests and confirmed cases of COVID-19 are being tracked and reported daily by the Allegheny County Health Department. You can search the map on their COVID-19 Dashboard for information by neighborhood in the City of Pittsburgh.

Allegheny County Health Department COVID-19 Dashboard

National COVID-19 Local Action Tracker

Translated Information

Pittsburgh Immigrant and Newcomer Community FAQs from Welcoming Pgh and ALL for ALL

Literacy Pittsburgh English Class COVID-19 Videos in Languages

Additional COVID-19 in-language national resources are available here from AA and NHPI (not affiliated with the City of Pittsburgh)

Welcoming Michiana Video Clips on COVID-19 in Multiple Languages


ترحيب بيتسبرغ تؤمّن منحة ٥٠٠،٠٠٠ دولار لبرنامج المساعدة النقدية لكوفد - ١٩ لخدمة مجتمعات المهاجرين المستضعفين - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities

ساحات اللعب ووسائل الراحة الأخرى ستفتح ف مت ز ز نهات المدينة - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks

مدينة بيتسبرغ تنفذ تجميد التوظيف - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze

مدينة بيتسبرغ تحلل الأنشطة الصيفية - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities

العمل الخارجي من قبل موظفي المدينة يستأنف يوم الجمعة - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday

رئيس البلدية بيدوتو يطلب خيارات شراء التغذية التكميلية للأسر المحتاجة (سناب)عبر الإنترنت بسبب وباء كوفد – ١٩- Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

يعلن رئيس البلدية ويليام بيدوتو عن تمويل كوفد – ١٩ للمقيمين والشركات الصغيرة - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses

تعلن مدينة بيتسبرغ عن إرشادات الحدائق للحدائق المجتمعية ومواقع تبني الارض خلال كوفد – ١٩ - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19

المدينة تصدر توجيهات قبل استمرار نشاط البناء يوم الجمعة - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday

يصدر رئيس البلدية بيدوتو رسالة إلى البيت الأبيض حول الدعم الفيدرالي للمدن التي تحارب الوباء - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic

رئيس البلدية ويليام بيديتو يخاطب بيتسبرغ بخصوص وباء كورونا - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic

تعلن†مدينة†بيتسبيرغ†المزيد†من†القيود†الاجتماعي†ة – City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions

بيان لجنة بيتسبرغ للعلاقات الإنسانية بشأن التمييز الذي يستهدف السكان الآسيويين - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations

بيان عن العمال الخدمات البيئية و COVID-19(فيروس كورنا) - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19

جدول تعديل الوجبة المدرسية لطلاب المدارس - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule

بيتسبرغ تمدد الموعد النهائي لدفع ضريبة الدخل ردا على كوفد - ١٩ - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19

هيئة إعادة التطوير الحضري تشارك مع المدينة والجامعة الحضرية في بيتسبرغ الكبرى لتوفير المساعدة المالية للإيجار / الرهن العقاري / مساعدة المالية لفاتورة الخدمات لسكان المدينة - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents

مدينة بيتسبرغ تنتقل إلى مرحلة الطوارئ الدرجة الثانية نظراً إلى انتشار وباء كورنا - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19

ستقوم المدينة بتوزيع وجبات على كبار السن ابتداءً من يوم الجمعة 20 مارس - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20

أربعة مراكز لتقديم وجبات الطعام لأطفال المدارس العامة - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren

مدينة بيتسبرغ تحظر جميع تجمعات أكثر من 50 شخص: - City Bans Gatherings of 50 or More People

COVID-19 تعلن مدينة بيتسبرغ عن تغييرات تشغيلية بسبب - City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes Due to COVID19

欢迎匹兹堡获得了500,000美元的COVID-19现金援助计划赠款以服务弱势移民社区 - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities

城市公园内游乐场和其他设施将重新开放 - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks

匹兹堡市实施招聘冻结 - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze

匹兹堡市对夏季活动安排的情况分析 - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities

市政人员将于周五恢复户外工作 - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday

由于COVID-19疫情爆发,佩杜托市长呼吁提供营养补充援助计划(SNAP)的在线购买方式 - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

市长威廉·佩杜托宣布为居民和小型企业提供COVID-19资金 - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses

匹兹堡市公布了在COVID-19期间社区花园和认养种植区的园艺指导方针 - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19

市政府在周五恢复施工建设活动之前发布指导意见 - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday

佩杜托市长致函白宫请求联邦政府支持各城市抗击疫情 - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic

匹兹堡市长威廉·佩杜托就covid-19疫情发表讲话 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic

匹兹堡市发布更多社交距离限制令 – City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions

人际关系委员会关于针对亚洲人口的歧视行为的声明 - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations

关于环境服务工作者和COVID-19的声明 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19

市政府学童膳食分配计划修订 - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule

匹兹堡因COVID-19将延长所得税缴纳期限 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19

市重建局与匹兹堡大都会城市联盟合作,为市民提供短期租金/按揭/水电杂费资助 - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents

匹兹堡市对抗COVID-19移至二级紧急行动 - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19

从3月20日(星期五)起,本市将向已登记的老年人分发餐食 - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20

四个中心将为本市学龄儿童提供膳食 - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren

匹兹堡市禁止所有超过50人的聚会 - City Bans Gatherings or More than 50 People

匹兹堡市宣布因COVID-19引致的日常运营变更 - City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes Due to COVID-19

威廉·佩杜托市长宣布全市因COVID-19进入紧急状态 - Mayor William Peduto Declares State of Emergency Due to COVID-19

La Iniciativa “Welcoming Pittsburgh” Ha Asegurado una Subvención de $ 500,000 para el Programa de Asistencia con Efectivo COVID-19 para Servir a las Comunidades de Inmigrantes Vulnerables - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities

Se Reabrirán los Campos de Juego y otras Comodidades en los Parques de la Ciudad - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks

La Ciudad de Pittsburgh Implementa una Congelación en las Contrataciones - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze

La Ciudad de Pittsburgh Analiza las Actividades de Verano - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities

El Viernes se Reanudará el Trabajo al Aire Libre por Parte del Personal de la Ciudad - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday

El Alcalde Peduto Pide Opciones de Compra de SNAP en línea Debido a la Pandemia del COVID-19 - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

El Alcalde William Peduto Anuncia Fondos del COVID-19 para Residentes y Pequeños Negocios - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses

La Ciudad de Pittsburgh Anuncia Pautas para el Cultivo en los Jardines Comunitarios y en las Sedes de Adoptar-Un-Lote Durante el COVID-19 - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19

La Ciudad Emite recomendaciones Antes de que la Actividad de la Construcción se Reanude el Viernes - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday

El Alcalde Peduto Envía una Carta a la Casa Blanca acerca del Apoyo Federal a las Ciudades que están Luchando contra la Pandemia - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic

El alcalde William Peduto se dirige a Pittsburgh con relación a la pandemia de COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic

La Ciudad de Pittsburgh anuncia más restricciones de distanciamiento social – City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions

Declaración de la comisión de relaciones humanas acerca de la discriminación contra la población asiática - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations

Declaración acerca de los trabajadores de servicios ambientales y COVID-19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19

La Ciudad enmienda el horario de distribución de comidas de escolares - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule

Pittsburgh extiende la fecha límite para el pago del impuesto sobre la renta en respuesta a COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19

URA se asocia con la Liga Urbana del área metropolitana de Pittsburgh para proporcionar asistencia financiera a corto plazo de alquiler / hipoteca / servicios públicos a los residentes de la ciudad - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Pro

vide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents


La ciudad de Pittsburgh pasa al nivel 2 de operaciones de emergencia en respuesta a COVID-19 - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19

La Ciudad va a distribuir comidas a personas mayores registradas a partir del viernes 20 de marzo - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20

Cuatro centros para ofrecer comidas a niños escolares de la ciudad - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren

Ciudad de Pittsburgh prohíbe todas las reuniones de más de 50 personas - City of Pittsburgh Bans Gatherings of More than 50 People

La ciudad de Pittsburgh anuncia los cambios operacionales a causa de COVID-19 - The City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes due to COVID-19

El alcalde William Peduto declara Estado de Emergencia debido a COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Declares a State of Emergency Due to COVID-19


Welcoming Pittsburgh reçoit une subvention de 500 000 $ pour le programme d’aide financière en espèces lié à la pandémie de Covid-19 et destiné aux communautés immigrées vulnérables. - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities

Réouverture des Terrains de Jeux et Autres Installations des Parcs Municipaux - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks

La ville de Pittsburgh met en place un gel des embauches - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze

La municipalité de Pittsburgh analyse les activités estivales - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities

Le personnel municipal reprendra le travail en extérieur vendredi - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday

Le maire Peduto demande la mise en place d’options d’achat en ligne pour le programme SNAP en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Le maire William Peduto annonce un « financement COVID-19 » pour les résidents et les petites entreprises - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses

La ville de Pittsburgh annonce des directives de jardinage pour les jardins communautaires et les sites Adopt-A-Lot pendant l’épidémie de COVID-19 - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19

La municipalité publie des conseils en prévision de la reprise des activités de construction vendredi - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday

Le maire Peduto adresse un courrier à la Maison Blanche sur le soutien fédéral aux villes luttant contre la pandémie - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic

Le maire William Peduto s’adresse aux habitants de Pittsburgh au sujet de la pandémie de COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic

La ville de Pittsburgh annonce davantage de mesures de distanciation sociale – City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions

Déclaration de la commission des relations humaines sur les discriminations visant les populations d’origine asiatique - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations

Communiqué concernant les employés des services environnementaux et le COVID-19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19

La municipalité modifie le calendrier de distribution des repas aux écoliers - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule

Pittsburgh repousse la date limite de paiement de l’impôt sur le revenu en réponse à COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19

जोखिममा रहेका आप्रवासी समुदायलाई सेवा गर्नका लागि वेलकमिङ पिट्टसबर्गले $500,000 को COVID-19 नगद सहायता कार्यक्रमको लागि अनुदान प्राप्त गरेको छ - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities

सिटी पार्क हरूमा रहेर्ा खेलमैदान र अन्य िुसिधाहरू पुनः खुल्नेबारेमा - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks

पिट्सबर्ग सिटीले नयाँ भर्नालाई फ्रिज गर्ने कार्यान्वयन गर्छ - City of Pittsburgh Implements Hiring Freeze

ग्रीष्मकालीन गतिविधिहरूको विश्लेषण गर्ने सिटी अफ पिट्सबर्ग - City of Pittsburgh Analyzing Summertime Activities

शुक्रबार पुन: आरम्भ गर्नको लागि सिटी कर्मचारीद्वारा बाहिरी कार्य - Outdoor Work by City Personnel to Resume Friday

मेयर पेडूटोले COVID-19 को कारणले गर्दा अनलाइन SNAP खरिद विकल्पहरूको लागि फोन गर्नुहुन्छ - Mayor Peduto Calls for Online SNAP Purchasing Options Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

मेयर विलियम पेडूटो (William Peduto) ले निवासी र स-साना व्यवसायहरूका लागि COVID-19 कोष घोषणा गर्नुहुन्छ - Mayor William Peduto Announces COVID-19 Funding for Residents and Small Businesses

सिटी अफ पिट्सबर्गले COVID-19 को समयमा सामुदायिक बगैंचा र एडप्ट-अ-लट (Adopt-A-Lot) साइटहरूको लागि गार्डेनिङ मार्गनिर्देशनहरू घोषणा गर्दछ - City of Pittsburgh Announces Gardening Guidelines for Community Gardens and Adopt-A-Lot Sites During COVID-19

टीले शुक्रबार फेरि सुरु हुने निर्माण गतिविधिको अग्रीममा निर्देशिका जारी गर्दछ - City Issues Guidance in Advance of Construction Activity Resuming Friday

मेयर Peduto ले प्रकोपको सामना गरिरहेका सहरहरूलाई सङ्घीय सहायता गर्न ह्वाइट हाउसलाई पत्र जारी गर्नुभयो - Mayor Peduto Issues Letter to White House on Federal Support for Cities Fighting Pandemic

COVID-19 को विश्वव्यापी महामारीको विषयमा मेयर William Peduto ले Pittsburgh लाई सम्बोधन गर्नुभयो - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic

सिटी अफ सिट्िबर्गथि िामासिक दुरी बन्देिहरूको घोषणा र्दगछ - City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions

एसियालीहरूलाई लक्षित गरिएको भेदभावको बारेमा मानव सम्वन्ध आयोगको वक्तव्य - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations

वातावरणीय सेवाका कर्मचारीहरू तथा COVID-19 सम्बन्धी बयान - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19

सिटीले स्कुली बच्चाहरूलाई भोजन वितरण गर्ने समयतालिकालाई संशोधन गरेको छ - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule

COVID-19 को असरका कारण पिट्सबर्गले आयकर भुक्तान अन्तिम म्याद पिस्तार र्दगछ। - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19

URA ले सिटीका बासिन्दाहरूलाई छोटो अवधिको भाडा/मोर्टगेज (धितो)/युटिलिटी आर्थिक सहयोग उपलब्ध गराउनका लागि सिटी एण्ड अर्बन लिग अफ ग्रेटर पिट्सबर्गसँग साझेदारी गर्दैछ - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents

COVID-19 मा प्रतिकार्य स्वरूप तिटी अफ तपट्िबर्य आपिकालीन कार्य िञ्चालन लेभल 2 मा पुर्ेको छ - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19

सिटीले शुक्रबार, मार्च 20 बाट िुरु हुनेगरी दर्ाच गररएका जेष्ठ नागररकहरूलाई भोजनहरू सिर्रण गने - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20

चारवटा के न्द्रहरूले सिटीका स्कु ली बच्चाहरूलाई भोजनहरू उपलब्ध गराउने - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren

सिटी अफ पिट्टसबर्गले ५० जनाभन्दा धेरै मानिसको भेलालाई निषेधित गरेको छ - City Bans Gatherings of 50 or More People

Additional Translated Information from the Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh's Facebook Page (the City of Pittsburgh is not responsible for content on this page)

Mpango wa Welcoming Pittsburgh umepokea $500,000 kufadhili Programu ya Msaada wa Kifedha kwa Wakazi Wahamiaji wenye mahitaji mbali mbali ili kuwasaida kujikimu dhidi ya athari za janga la COVID-19 - Welcoming Pittsburgh Secures $500,000 Grant for COVID-19 Cash Assistance Program to Serve Vulnerable Immigrant Communities

Viwanja vya michezo na Vistawishi vingine kufunguliwa tena katika Bustani za jiji - Playgrounds and Other Amenities to Reopen in City Parks

Hotuba ya Meya William Peduto kwa jiji la Pittsburgh kuhusu janga la COVID_19 - Mayor William Peduto Addresses Pittsburgh on COVID-19 Pandemic

Mji wa Pittsburgh umetangaza vikwazo zaidi katika kujitenga kijamii – City of Pittsburgh Announces More Social Distancing Restrictions

Taarifa kutoka kwa Tume ya mahusiano ya binadamu kuhusu ubaguzi wa Asia - Commission on Human Relations Statement on Discrimination Targeting Asian Populations

Taarifa juu ya wafanyakazi wa huduma za mazingira na virusi vya COVID 19 - Statement on Environmental Services Workers and COVID-19

Mji warekebisha ratiba ya usambazaji wa chakula kwa watoto wa shule - City Amends Schoolchildren Meal Distribution Schedule

Pittsburgh yaongeza muda wa kwa siku ya mwisho ya malipo ya kodi ya mapato katika kukabiliana na janga la virusi vya COVID-19 - Pittsburgh Extends Income Tax Payment Deadline in Response to COVID-19

URA inashirikiana na City and Urban League ya Pittsburgh kutoa msaada wa fedha wa muda mfupi wa kodi/mkopo wa /matumizi ya nyumbani kwa wakazi wa mji - URA Partners with City and Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh to Provide Short Term Rent/Mortgage/Utility Financial Assistance to City Residents

Mji wa Pittsburgh umesonga kwa kiwango cha 2 cha shughuli za dharura katika kushughulikia janga la COVID_19 - City of Pittsburgh Moves to Level 2 Emergency Operations in Response to COVID-19

Mji wa Pittsburgh kusambaza chakula kwa wazee waliojiandikisha kuanza Ijumaa, Machi 20 - City to Distribute Meals to Registered Seniors Starting Friday, March 20

Vituo vinne kutoa chakula kwa ajili ya watoto wa shule za jiji - Four Centers to Offer Meals for City Schoolchildren

Mji wa Pittsburgh Umepiga marufuku mikusanyiko yote ya watu zaidi ya 50 - City of Pittsburgh Bans Gatherings of More Than 50 People

Mji wa Pittsburgh umetangaza mabadiliko ya uendeshaji kutokana na athari ya virusi vya COVID-19 - The City of Pittsburgh Announces Operational Changes due to COVID-19

Meya William Peduto ametangaza hali ya dharura kutokana na virusi vya COVID-19 - Mayor William Peduto Declares State of Emergency Due to COVID-19

Community Resources

If you require community resources, please call the Allegheny County and United Way of Southwest PA's COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-856-2774 or 211.

Search for the resources your need near you with 412 Food Rescue's Single Stop.


Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones to COVID-19; Centro Virtual de Asistencia a la Familia de la Cruz Roja para aquellas personas que han perdido a seres queridos debido al COVID-19 1-800-985-5990

Resolve Crisis Network 24-Hour Help 1-888-7-YOU-CAN (796-8226)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Disaster Distress Hotline 1-800-985-5990

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255

Persad Center: A human service organization whose mission is to improve the well-being of the LGBTQ communities and the HIV/AIDS communities.

Steel Smiling: Bridges the gap between community members and mental health support through education, advocacy and awareness.

Prevent Suicide PA: Support those who are affected by suicide, provide education, awareness, and understanding by collaborating with the community to prevent suicide, and reduce the stigma associated with suicide.

RESOLVE exists to provide supportive communities for you

Better Help: Making professional counseling accessible, affordable, convenient - so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere.

ReGain: Relationship counseling. Individual and couples therapy options available, any time, anywhere.

7 Cups connects you to caring listeners for free emotional support.

Trevor Project: Leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

National Suicide Prevention Center

Families for Depression Awareness: helps families recognize and cope with depression and bipolar disorder to get people well and prevent suicides.

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide: Reduce the number of youth suicides and attempted suicides by encouraging public awareness through the development and promotion of educational training programs

Information on the City of Pittsburgh ordinance requiring businesses to offer COVID-19 Emergency Sick Leave

Pennie is Pennsylvania's health insurance marketplace for uninsured and underinsured individuals and families. Assistance and credits are available those who qualify.

Pittsburgh Financial Empowerment Center Free One-on-One Financial Counseling for Area Residents Over 18

Financial Empowerment Center's COVID-19 Financial Resources Available to Allegheny County Residents

URA COVID-19 Resources

Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office COVID-19 Rights and Resources Page

Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office COVID-19 Unemployment Rights & Resources Guide

Pennsylvania Utility Commission Tips for Financially Stressed Households

State Unemployment Compensation: Information for Pennsylvania Employees Impacted by COVID-19

U.S. Conference of Mayors: How the COVID-19 Federal Stimulus Bills Directly Affect Working Families

CARES Act for Gig Workers and Others Who Work for Themselves

CARES Act for Gig Workers and Others Who Work for Themselves

Emergency Fund for Tipped and Service Workers

Financial Assistance for Bar Employees

Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones to COVID-19; Centro Virtual de Asistencia a la Familia de la Cruz Roja para aquellas personas que han perdido a seres queridos debido al COVID-19 1-800-985-5990

Hebrew Free Loan Association of Pittsburgh Coronavirus Financial Bridge Loan Program provides interest-free loans on a nonsectarian basis for up to $5,000 to local residents who are facing financial challenges caused by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak.



Partner Pages for Updates and Information


Allegheny County Health Department

Allegheny County Health Department

PA Department of Health

PA Department of Health

Pennyslvania Office of the Governor

Pennyslvania Office of the Governor

U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention

U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention

National Institutes for Health

National Institutes for Health

World Health Organization

World Health Organization

Social Media Links ​

Keep up to date with news, live videos and frequent updates from local agencies and organizations on social media.



A New City Website Is Coming Soon!

We are proud to announce the Oct 22, 2024 launch of the new City of Pittsburgh website! The new website is a dramatic upgrade in accessibility, usability, aesthetics and most importantly, it will be resident focused. Built to find the information and services you need quickly. Please feel free to stop by our website redesign project page for details!