Overdose Prevention
The Office of Community Health and Safety recognizes that robust, widely-available data is a foundation of equitable policies and programs. In order to implement targeted public health interventions, increase transparency, and empower communities, our office works to ensure that data collection, analysis, and distribution are provided in a timely manner.
Opioid Overdose Dashboard
The Opioid Overdose Dashboard uses de-identified (HIPAA compliant) data from the Bureau of EMS to provide information regarding opioid overdose calls for service in the City of Pittsburgh on a monthly basis. The dashboard also includes neighborhood-level mapping, demographic information, and other statistics regarding care provided by Public Safety professionals. The Office of Community Health and Safety is committed to utilizing insights gained from this data to inform progressive opioid overdose prevention strategies that seek to reduce harm associated with drug use, employ a person-first approach, and address social determinants of health.
Click here for background information, widget descriptions, and data collection protocol.