Police Zone 4

Group photo of Zone 4 constituents and Bomb Squad Members.

Zone 4 Cares

Connecting the Police and the Community

Numbers to Know


Emergency Services
Police, EMS, Fire


Emergency Services
Talk with a resource specialist for free


Non-Emergency Services
Find information about services, make complaints, or report problems.


Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources


Zone 4 Monthly Crime Statistics (August 2024)

Reports Arrests Homicide Aggravated Assault Arson Burglary Sex Offenses Robbery Theft
405 69 0 6 6 13 3 3 166


Zone 4 Yearly Crime Statistics (Year to Date)

Reports Arrests Homicide Aggravated Assault Arson Burglary Sex Offenses Robbery Theft
              2909            508                    1                                 40           6              99                    35              29        1051


Community Alerts and Upcoming Events

Zone 4 Residents, 

We are looking forward to the following community engagenment events in Zone 4. We hope to see you there!


  • Wednesday July 17, 2024 12:00 PM until 7:00 PM- Coffee Tree Roasters, located on 5524 Walnut Street in Shadyside, will graciously be hosting a Coffee with Cops event with Zone 4 Police. Stop by for some great coffee and conversation with Zone 4 Officers!


  • Wednesday July 17, 2024 4:30 PM until 7:30 PM- Mayor Ed Gainey presents City in the Streets in Hazelwood on Glenwood Ave between Mansion and Almeda Streets. Representatives from every city department will be present. There will be free food, community vendors, and activities for kids. 


  • Tuesday August 6, 2024 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM- National Night Out is here once again! Come on out to one of the various National Night Out events in your neighborhood, or register your own community event using the link below. We look forward to sharing some quality time with our residents while we enjoy some good food, entertainment and fun for the whole family!



Nothing to report at this time.

It’s that time of year again! The Citizen Police Academy and the Student Police Academy are now taking registrations. These programs are a great opportunity to learn the roles, training and responsibilities of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. To register, click the link below and fill out the Online Application. We hope to see you there!



Get to Know Your Officers

Zone 4 | Commander Stephen Vinansky | 5858 Northumberland St. | (412) 422-6520 | stephen.vinansky@pittsburghpa.gov

AM Shift: Lt. K. Sorensen

  • Sgt. T. Waller todd.waller@pittsburghpa.gov
  • Officer J. Cerula
  • Officer J. Clayton
  • Officer J. Kusenko
  • Officer A. Loughran
  • Officer A. Chambers

PM Shift: Lt. E. Kroll

  • Sgt. D. Sullivan daniel.sullivan@pittsburghpa.gov
  • Officer R. Berberich
  • Officer T. Francis
  • Officer S. Gorman
  • Officer H. Banker
  • Officer L. Luncinski
  • Officer A. Melocchi

AM Shift: Lt. K. Sorensen

PM Shift: Lt. E. Kroll

AM Shift: Lt. K. Sorensen

PM Shift: Lt. E. Kroll

AM Shift: Lt. K. Sorensen

PM Shift: Lt. E. Kroll

  • Sgt. Vacant
  • Officer M Salerno
  • Officer R. Kennedy
  • Officer A. Herstine
  • Officer R. Gould



Community Resources and Groups

Zone 4 Police Department
The Zone 4 Police Department Homepage

File a Police Report
Police reports can be filed by calling 911 or by visiting the Zone 1 Police Department.

Access Domestic Violence Resources
Resources are available to support victims of abuse.

Apply to become a Police Officer
The City of Pittsburgh is accepting applications for the Police Officer position. Apply today!

Find your neighborhood Block Watch
Search for Block Watch Groups in your area.

Megan’s Law Electronic Notification System
Sign up to receive email for the individuals currently registered with the Pennsylvania State Police as active sexual offenders pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Megan’s Law.

Point Breeze North

President: Jeff Wetzel

Address: PO Box5465 Pittsburgh, PA. 15206

Phone: 412-616-2762

Email: https://www.pointbreezenorth.com/contact

Website: https://www.pointbreezenorth.com

Meetings: See website for future meetings

We are a non-profit, volunteer run organization made up of people who care for, and are invested in the beautiful neighborhood of Point Breeze North.

If you live here, are a business owner, or own property here, we encourage you to get involved, make an impact, and stay connected.

Point Breeze North received its name from the Point Breeze Hotel, which was located along the Greensburg Turnpike during the early 1800s. This area is now the intersection of Fifth and Penn Avenue.

McPherson and Thomas, the major streets, emulate French boulevards, with wide, divided roads, floral islands, and a mixture of apartments and mansions.  It remains as it was then: an area of distinctive and mixed historical styles, from Civil War row houses to 1920s villas, to Victorian gingerbread homes.  Westinghouse Park derived its name from the Westinghouse mansion that was in North Point Breeze since its beginning.

Shadyside Chamber of Commerce

Address: 5428 Walnut Street, Mailbox 101Pittsburgh, PA 15232

Phone: 412-650-0430, 412-682-1298

Website: https://www.thinkshadyside.com

Meetings: See website for future meetings

The Shadyside Chamber of Commerce works to prioritize the needs of merchants within the community.  We are currently restructuring and refocusing the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce,  to ensure that we remain a service driven organization that is innovative, proactive, and always striving to foster an inclusive climate that serves in the best interest of its members.  


The mission of the Shadyside Chamber of Commerce is to enhance the economic vitality within the community in which we live, work, and play.    


We envision a vibrant business district in which we help our community flourish, grow and sustain.

Regent Square Civic Association

Co-Presidents: Christine Furman & Adam Wasilko

Address: Wilkins School Community Center7604 Charleston Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218

Phone: N/A

Website: rsca.online

Meetings: Check website for upcoming meetings

RSCA Mission

The RSCA serves the Regent Square community by acting as a liaison to the municipalities, improving community safety, enriching the environment, and enhancing the quality of life of its citizens through positive participatory actions.

It is RSCA’s mission to

  • Continuously improve the quality of life in the Regent Square neighborhood

  • Organize relevant community events when needed

  • Initiate neighborhood improvement

  • Act as a positive advocate on important community-wide issues; and 2.2.5. disseminate relevant information to the community

PBO's mission is to engage residents and businesses to enhance the quality of life in Point Breeze.

We invite all Point Breeze residents and businesses to join, and we do not charge dues. You do not have to be a PBO member to attend events, but becoming a member gives you a voice in our activities and important neighborhood decisions and improves the chances that public officials will hear our concerns.

The PBO is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our meetings are open to the public and held at 6:30PM on the second Tuesday of March, May, July, September, and November. The location may vary. Please contact info@pointbreezepgh.org to receive additional information about attending a meeting.

The South Oakland Neighborhood Group (SONG)

Address: Frazier Field House 3716 Frazier Street Pittsburgh, PA. 15213

Phone: N/A

Website: https://southoaklandpgh.org

Facebook: South Oakland Neighborhood Group Pgh

Twitter: @SONG_Pgh

Meetings: SONG meets the first Tuesday of every month at Frazier Fieldhouse on Frazier St, and other events as well. Check the home page for more information.


Is a a community organization of residents, primarily focused on the South Oakland Neighborhood, but also Oakland and Pittsburgh in general, to improve the quality of life for all residents, including students and local businesses through improved and expanded communication and involvement.  Any interested parties are encouraged to participate and contribute.

Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition

President: Martha Isler

Address: 5604 Solway St. Pittsburgh, PA. 15217

Phone: 412-422-7666

Website: https://shuc.org

Email: info@shuc.org

Established in 1972, the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition gives voice to the hopes and concerns of our residents, institutions, businesses and visitors and works to preserve, improve, and celebrate the quality of life in our vibrant urban Squirrel Hill neighborhood. Our mission is implemented through a long range planning process, fostering community-based initiatives in the areas of education, public safety, transportation, parks and open spaces, plus commercial, institutional and residential development. Volunteer-supported committees provide leadership to our community by studying, debating, and advocating positions on issues affecting our neighborhood’s vitality

West Oakland Neighborhood Council - The Corner

Address: 200 Robinson St. Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: 412-436-9127

Email: info@cornerpgh.org

Website: https://www.cornerpgh.org

Follow Us: @CornerPgh

The Corner is a grassroots community outreach program and multi-purpose space of Friendship Community Church located between the Oakland and Hill District neighborhoods. 

Since 2011, The Corner program has served as a pinnacle of cultural enrichment and a thriving center for the arts, social justice advocacy, education, resource accessibility, and community engagement.


To provide arts and social safety net programming through a welcoming “third place” space model for residents of West Oakland, Oak Hill, the Hill District, and greater Pittsburgh community.

Oakcliffe Community Organization of South Oakland

President: Dave Panasiuk

Address: 328 Ophelia Street Pittsburgh 15213

Website: oakcliffe.org

Email: oakcliffe.org@gmail.com


2nd Wednesday of each month 7:00 PM in person @ 3240 Craft Place or on virtual zoom.  Website has zoom link.


The purpose of the Oakcliffe Community Organization is to foster community involvement in conserving and improving the Oakcliffe neighborhood, petiton government for public services, and carry out programs of community improvement.

Greater park Place Neighborhood Association (GPPNA)

Contact: Mary Hupe

Address: 590 S. Braddock Ave. Pittsburgh, PA. 15221

Email: greaterparkplace@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ParkPlacePgh/

Meetings: Quarterly- see facebook for details

A group for residents and fans of Pittsburgh's Park Place neighborhood!

Park Place is nestled next to Frick Park on the eastern edge of the City of Pittsburgh and includes a few blocks of Wilkinsburg. Home to many beautiful and historic houses, including the Old Heidelberg apartment building, Park Place is a diverse community with engaged and friendly residents represented by the Greater Park Place Neighborhood Association (GPPNA). 

31st Ward

President: Ryan Herbinko


Website: 31stWardCAG.org

Email: ExecutiveBoard@31stWardCAG.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/217983421573389/

Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM 1202 Muldowney Ave. Pittsburgh, PA. 15207(parking is on Cooley Way)

The 31st Ward Community Action Group was established to bring the residents of our community together, advocate for the neighborhoods' needs, and to support the youth, veterans, businesses and senior citizens of the 31st Ward and surrounding areas.    


Neighborhood Information:

The 31st Ward is located in the southeastern corner of the City of Pittsburgh.  It is comprised of four neighborhoods: Lincoln Place, Hays, New Homestead and Gates Manor.  Against the backdrop of Pittsburgh’s Historic Steel Valley, the 31st Ward’s unique characteristics give a distinct suburban feel to urban living.  The area is home to a multitude of greenspaces and parks as well as a growing business district.

The Greenfield Community Association (GCA)

President: Gina Godfrey

Address: P.O. Box 5605 Pittsburgh, PA. 15207

Email: info@gcapgh.org

Website: https://gcapgh.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/GCAPGH

Meetings are on hold for now, but please check back in via website or Facebook

The Greenfield Community Association is a 501c3 formed in the Summer of 2012 as a successor to Greenfield’s two established community organizations –  Greenfield Organization and Connect Greenfield.   Its role is to capture the strengths of both organizations and ensure that the residents of Greenfield continue to have a strong organization working to improve the community.


Fund, support, develop, and enhance community spirit, athletic activities, and philanthropy among the residents of Greenfield in the 15th Ward -Pittsburgh, PA.

The GCA is committed to preserving and improving the physical, social, and economic health of Greenfield by facilitating volunteerism, nurturing community identity and development, and enhancing the quality of life for residents. We engage in community-based problem solving, support neighborhood-oriented services, and foster public/private cooperation.

Uncover Squirrel Hill

Address: 5884 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA. 15217

Email: hello@uncoversquirrelhill.com

Website: https://www.uncoversquirrelhill.com

Please check out their website for membership and meeting details.


Re-energized in 2014, Uncover Squirrel Hill seeks to capitalize on its rich history by invigorating the formal network of businesses in the Forbes, Murray and Forward Aves corridor, and eventually throughout Squirrel Hill.  Uncover Squirrel Hill gives a voice to the business owners and provides access and communication to the Mayor’s Office with representatives from Police, the office of Community Affairs and Public Works. 

As a business-member-based organization, Uncover Squirrel Hill aims to bring the diverse merchant base together to meet goals and plans developed by its member businesses.

Uncover Squirrel Hill helps:

  • Organize the merchants to develop and maintain a highly visible role in the community.

  • Work with local community leaders to ensure the development and continued improvement of the neighborhood business district.

  • Open and maintain lines of communication with business and property owners.

  • Organize and secure funds to help meet the Association’s vision and goals.​​

Zone Four Public Safety Council

President: Dennis Downey

Email: pghzone4publicsafetycouncil@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zone4PublicSafety/

Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month 6:30 PM at the JCC 5738 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA. 15217 (Kindly use the rear entrance at 5738 Darlington Road)

Zone 4 Public Safety Council acts as liaisons between the City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and the community it serves.

Zone 4 Communities: Oakland, Shadyside, Squirrel Hill, Point Breeze, Regent Square, Swisshelm, Greenfield, Hazelwood, Lincoln Place, Glen Hazel. Duck Hollow, Uptown, Hays, New Homestead


Our Community

Mounted horse Officers and ACC unit dog.
Officer having fun with group of children.
Police dog with McGruff mascott.
Officer and dog standing with ADA neighbors, having a fun time!