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Media Advisory: City to Host 'Love Your [Resilient] Block' Best Block Award Ceremony Friday

PITTSBURGH, PA (December 14, 2017) - The City of Pittsburgh and Mayor William Peduto will host a ceremony for the "Best Block" award winners of the 2017 Love Your [Resilient] Block grant program on Friday, December 15, at 5:30 p.m. 

2017 Love Your [Resilient] Block 'Best Block' Awards 

When: Friday, December 15, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. 

Where: City-County Building Lobby, 414 Grant Street, Pittsburgh PA 15219 

The Love Your [Resilient] Block revitalization program is a collaboration among the City of Pittsburgh, People’s Gas, and Cities of Service, that awards $1,500 grants for block improvement project plans. The award money is issued to winning applicants for the purchase of supplies and tools necessary to implement the projects. Awardees mobilize community volunteers to transform blighted lots into community assets and increase resilience within our neighborhoods. An additional two “Best Block” awards of $3,000 are awarded to the organization that carries out the most successful block transformation, per identified criteria. 

2017 'Best Block' Winners 

The 2017 season of Love Your [Resilient] Block featured projects in 26 different neighborhoods, with 700 volunteers dedicating well over 3,500 total hours towards neighborhood revitalization. The winners of the “Best Block” award for 2017 are Perry Hilltop Citizens Council and Lawrenceville United. Perry Hilltop Citizens Council worked with local designer, Richard Liberto, to create a green space surrounding a mosaic mural. Lawrenceville United held an event for elementary school students that included painting a mural on the surface of a former basketball court and educational lessons on environmental concepts.   




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Katie O'Malley
Communications Coordinator
(412) 925-1990