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Office of Management and Budget Receives Excellence in Procurement Award

PITTSBURGH, PA (May 31, 2018) The procurement team in the City of Pittsburgh's Office of Management has been awarded an "Excellence in Procurement" award by the U.S. Communities Purchasing Alliance for implementing effective and efficient governmental purchasing principles.

The U.S. Communities Purchasing Alliance is a nonprofit government purchasing cooperative that reduces the cost of goods and services for participating public agencies by aggregating their purchasing power nationwide.

It is the only cooperative purchasing program founded by National Association of Counties, National League of Cities, Association of School Business Officials, United States Conference of Mayors and National Governors Association. The use of the U.S. Communities contracts have demonstrated cost savings thereby stretching public tax dollars through best value public procurement.

The Pittsburgh procurement office is responsible for organizing and directing the day-to-day operations of government purchasing; managing the intergovernmental purchasing agreement with Allegheny County; driving improvements in procurement processes, policies, and technology; and implementing cost management initiatives related to procurement, warehousing, and inventory management.

It has initiated innovative transparency and procurement best practices during Mayor William Peduto's administration, including OMB's purchasing website Beacon.

The city's procurement team is led by Jennifer Olzinger, and overseen by OMB Director Jennifer Presutti.

“I am so proud of the accomplishments made by the procurement team over the last few years. The City has realized increased efficiencies and professionalism in our procurement because of their hard work,” Presutti said.

Each year, U.S. Communities and its national co-sponsors recognize agencies from across the country who demonstrate leadership and dedication to procurement excellence. Earlier this year, U.S. Communities identified the City of Pittsburgh as a key enthusiast for innovative procurement practices via its continuous use of the U.S. Communities contract offerings which provide for greater economy and efficiency in purchasing.

As a result, U.S. Communities and its national co-sponsors selected the City of Pittsburgh to receive its Excellence in Procurement ward based on the city’s dedicated support to the principles of effective and efficient governmental purchasing principles.


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Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office