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Major Improvements Planned for Homewood Neighborhood Business District

PITTSBURGH, PA (December 11, 2018) A major network of pedestrian improvements in Homewood will make it easier for residents to walk to school, work and public transit through a resolution going before the board of the Urban Redevelopment Authority this week. 

The board is set to vote Thursday on a $674,171 contract with M and B Services for the construction of the Homewood Pedestrian Improvement plan. Construction would start this spring on improvements identified by findings in the neighborhood’s  Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Plan and the Homewood Transit Oriented Development study. 

The plans are centered around Homewood, Braddock and Hamilton avenues, and are anchored by neighborhood assets including Faison K-5 on Tioga Street, the Homewood neighborhood business district and the Homewood Station of the East Busway.  

The plans are supported by Mayor William Peduto and Councilman Rev. Ricky Burgess. 

Improvements are set to include: 

  • New pedestrian scale lighting, street trees, and street furniture (benches/trash receptacles/bike racks) on Homewood Avenue between the East Busway and Hamilton Avenue. 
  • New thermoplastic "piano key" crosswalks and ADA Ramps along pedestrian paths to Faison School and the East Busway: Finance St. and Homewood Ave.; Susquehanna St. and Homewood Ave.; Cassina Way at Homewood Ave.;Tioga St. at Homewood Ave.; Tioga St. and Zenith Way; Tioga St. and Albion St.; Tioga St. and Dunfermline St.; Tioga St. and Richland St. 
  • Sidewalk and Curb Replacement along Tioga Street. Sidewalks in many areas along Tioga Street are completely missing or damaged causing pedestrians to walk in the streets.  This project will replace those sidewalks to ensure safe pedestrian passage between Homewood Avenue and Faison School. 
  • Flashing School Speed Limit Signage on Tioga Street by the school. 
  • Traffic Calming on Finance Street. Speed Humps will be installed on Finance Street to discourage speeding, as well as the truck traffic that uses this residential street and school route as a pass through. 

The project will complement repairs the Port Authority will be making to the Homewood Avenue Busway bridge including improved LED lighting in the underpass. The Port Authority is also investigating green infrastructure on their Finance Street property adjacent to Homewood station. 


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Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office