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PITTSBURGH, PA (October 17, 2019) The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) is announcing the commencement of construction of the Swinburne Street wall and soil stabilization project following several months of extensive geotechnical analysis and engineering design. This $630,000 project will correct an ongoing slope instability issue and restore unrestricted two-way traffic.
Swinburne Street construction will begin the week of October 21, 2019 and last approximately five months. During construction, Swinburne Street will be closed to all traffic in both directions between Greenfield Avenue and Edgehill Street / Childs Street on the Greenfield/South Oakland border. A detour route will be provided. Access to the Sestili Nursery will still be maintained.
Swinburne Street is one of several streets which have been affected by landslides over the last year as a result of record breaking wet weather. The $1 million response to the Greenleaf landslide in the West End last year and Swinburne Street represent a significant expenditure in landslide repairs. Several other large scale slide response projects will begin in the coming months including List Street, Semicir Street, William Street, Forward Avenue and additional smaller projects. It is expected that more than $8 million of local capital will be invested this year to protect and restore public right of ways. For questions, please contact the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure at or 412-255-8850.