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The City of Pittsburgh to Develop a Comprehensive ADA Transition Plan

PITTSBURGH, PA (January 11, 2022) – The City of Pittsburgh is seeking qualifications from qualified and experienced firms to assist in developing a comprehensive ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan.  

As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all government entities are required to create a Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan and the City is currently reevaluating its programs, services, and activities to ensure the highest degree of accessibility and inclusivity. These documents will identify programmatic and physical barriers that limit accessibility in City programs, services, activities, communications, and facilities. 

The Transition Plan will include recommendations for phased corrective work that will be developed to meet accessibility standards that comply with ADA Title II requirements and State of Pennsylvania codes. Recommendations will be developed to meet ADA Title II accessibility requirements that, at a minimum: 

  1. Identify physical obstacles that limit the accessibility of the City’s programs, services, or activities to individuals with disabilities. 
  2. Describe in detail the methods the City will employ to make City programs, services, or activities accessible. It will also include a schedule of work and the names of responsible officials. 
  3. Project cost estimates to assist with capital improvement plans to bring City programs, services, and activities into compliance. 
  4. Develop an Action Plan that addresses all non-structural accessibility barriers. Action Plan to include remediation measures, schedule of work, and responsible staff member(s). 

In addition to providing recommendations for improving City accessibility, the plan will also provide the basis for prioritizing, budgeting, implementing, and monitoring barrier removal. 

“It’s important that we continuously strive to achieve the highest degree of disability access across the City,” said ADA Coordinator Hillary Roman. “A thorough, updated Transition Plan will provide a framework for how we can improve our service to the disability community.” 

The City is looking for consultants that can identify and implement creative solutions for barrier removal and access expansion to all members of the public. Applications will be accepted through February 2, 2022 at 3 p.m. 

The full list of requirements and the application to the RFP is available on Beacon, the City’s procurement website:  



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