Waterfront Place Closure Scheduled to Begin January 2

PITTSBURGH, PA (December 20, 2019) The City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure and The NRP Group, developers of Riverfront Landing II, have announced that Waterfront Place in the Strip District will be closed to vehicular traffic from 16th Street to 18th Street.

The closure is expected to last 30 months, beginning on January 2, 2020. During this time, one half of the road will be obstructed for construction activity and the other half will be a corridor for pedestrian and bike traffic only.

All westbound vehicles traveling on Railroad Street/Waterfront Place will be detoured to Smallman Street at 21St Street. All eastbound vehicles traveling on Waterfront Place will be detoured to Smallman Street at 15th Street. The detour will have directional signage.

On Waterfront Place from 16th Street to 18th Street, there will be a protected corridor for pedestrian and bike traffic with jersey barriers and fencing.

Between 15th Street and 16th Street; and 18th Street and 21st Street, cyclists will be directed to bike in the travel lane along with vehicle traffic and pedestrians will be routed back onto the sidewalks.

There may be temporary periods of full closure of all traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular during construction. In these times, all traffic will be detoured to Smallman Street or Penn Avenue. The NRP Group has created a map to show areas of safety concerns and detours

More information on the development project can be found here: .

Questions can be directed though the city’s 311 response system:



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Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office