PITTSBURGH, PA (February 6, 2020) After five years of planning and input from hundreds of individuals, the City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure has released the draft Bike(+) Master Plan for public comment.
The plan lays out a vision for a safe and connected network of on-street and off street facilities that will enable people of all ages and abilities to travel by bicycle and other small mobility modes to access the needs of daily life including grocery stores, parks, schools and places of employment. The ten-year plan aims to increase safety and access, expand affordable travel choices, and provide attractive alternatives for short-distance vehicle travel to reduce traffic congestion and associated emissions.
The city is seeking broad public comment through the end of March. The Draft Plan is available at www.pittsburghpa.gov/domi/bikeplan and will be posted at multiple open houses throughout the city with more planned for Oakland and the West End (see below). Comment and feedback may also be provided via email to bikeped@pittsburghpa.gov or by calling the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure.
Branded the Bike “Plus” Plan, the strategy not only proactively addresses emerging forms of mobility such as pedal-assist electric bicycles, motorized scooter and skateboards, but is additive beyond mobility.
“The Bike(+) Plan is safety, plus access, plus sustainability, plus joyful travel,” said Mayor William Peduto. “It is another building block in strengthening an inclusive, vibrant, resilient city providing travel options that accommodate and respect the great diversity and needs of our people.”
The plan is a critical step in meeting city climate goals to reduce transportation-related emissions 50% by 2030 while at the same time expanding affordable access to jobs and destinations.
“There is a direct correlation between the implementation of safe bicycling facilities and new people riding bikes for transportation," said David White, Executive Director, Pittsburgh Bike Share. "It's exciting to see the City enabling more people to complete short trips by bike safely and comfortably through a connected Bike(+) network."
The Draft Bike(+) Plan includes an interconnected street, lane and trail network, facility design guidelines, supportive policies, education and other programs that are reflective of the needs and concerns expressed by the public in the public process leading to plan development.
"We are thrilled with the plan and that the City is committing to quickly implement it. Bike friendly streets make it safer and less stressful for everybody to get around, drivers and pedestrians included," said Scott Bricker, executive director of BikePGH.
For more information please contact the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure at 412-255-8850. For press inquiries, please contact DOMI Director Karina Ricks at 412-255-2523 or email karina.ricks@pittsburghpa.gov.
Bike(+) Plan Open Houses (come any time!)
For updates about these and other public meetings please visit: www.pittsburghpa.gov/domi/bikeplan
Beechview Healthy Active Living Center
1555 Broadway Avenue, Beechview
Friday, February 21, 2020
4:00 - 8:00 PM
Arnold's Tea
502 E Ohio Street, East Allegheny
Monday, February 24, 2020
3 PM to 8 PM
The Shop
621 North Dallas Avenue, Homewood West
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
3:00 - 8:00 PM
South Side Market House
202 Bedford Square, South Side Flats
Wednesday February 26, 2020
4:00 - 8:00 PM
City-County Building Grand Lobby
414 Grant Street, Downtown
Thursday, February 27, 2020
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM