PITTSBURGH, PA (March 16, 2020) The City of Pittsburgh will continue to deliver essential City services to residents throughout the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, though starting today some services will be curtailed to protect employee and resident health..
Beginning at noon today non-emergency City offices and facilities will be closed to the public until further notice, though operations will continue through teleworking by eligible employees.
“We will provide continuous operations throughout this crisis. City government never shuts down and public services will be offered continuously throughout this pandemic,” Mayor William Peduto said.
The following services and offices will remain operational:
The following facilities and operations will be closed until further notice:
All City of Pittsburgh employees will continue to be paid, and their work schedules will be overseen by their department supervisors.
Note on refuse: While curbside trash and recycling will still be collected, if the waste is not picked up on your normal collection day please leave it at the curb and do not call 311. It will be picked up later.
Please help protect the front line workers who are protecting you from spreading diseases by:
Note on Senior and Recreation centers: Grab-and-go meals may be distributed from a small network of these centers in coming days, but those services have not yet been finalized. Further announcements will be made regarding food access when plans are ready.
Note on those experiencing homelessness: In the interest of preventing needless harm to our neighbors living outside, the city is working with our longtime homeless services partner, Pittsburgh Mercy’s Operation Safety Net (OSN), to coordinate all camp engagements. During this time of increased vulnerability for those who are homeless, camps should not be entered by anyone except those determined to be providing life-sustaining care. Please call OSN at 412-232-5739, ext. 4 or text street outreach team lead Dan Palka at 412-589-2894 with any inquiries regarding collaboration or support. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to people’s wellbeing.
Allegheny County released a helpful guide (see press release on County operational changes) to their services during this time, including mental health and human services.
More announcements on City response to COVID-19 will be released as necessary.