PITTSBURGH, PA (May 8, 2020) Mayor William Peduto today released the following statement on Governor Tom Wolf’s announcement that he is easing COVID-19 restrictions in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County:
“I want to thank Governor Wolf for recognizing all that the greater Pittsburgh community has done to mitigate the spread of this pandemic, and allowing us to take initial steps toward reopening our city and our economy. But we are far from beating this — Pittsburgh residents, workers and visitors need to keep focusing on social distancing, not leaving home if they are sick, wearing masks, washing hands and generally just being smart about fighting this still-spreading disease.
We owe it to our city’s heroic medical personnel and first responders to keep being vigilant, and we must do much more to test the greater population and to contact trace anyone who has tested positive for the virus. I have offered the assistance of the City of Pittsburgh to help implement these needed testing and tracing measures.”
For more information from the Governor’s office on rules for communities in the “yellow phase” of reopening during the pandemic, please see these guidelines on phasing, and these guidelines for businesses.
For more information on the City’s response to COVID-19 and a data and operations timeline on City actions please see the City of Pittsburgh’s coronavirus webpage.