Milling and Paving Resumes Monday

PITTSBURGH, PA (July 3, 2020) Vehicle owners are reminded to heed alerts from the City and move their vehicles from streets set to be milled or resurfaced starting on Monday, July 6. 

The list of impacted streets is available here. New streets on the list are all in City Council Districts 1, 2 and 4.

This year the City is investing nearly $15.7 million in the street resurfacing program, which supports asphalt street resurfacing, ADA curb ramp upgrades on paved streets, and repair of concrete, brick and block stone streets throughout the Pittsburgh.   

Roughly 27 miles of streets will be resurfaced this year. Additional mileage will be resurfaced through cooperation agreements with local public utilities. Mechanical patching will improve many miles more by addressing particular trouble spots on otherwise acceptable street corridors.  

As many residents are staying indoors and sheltering in place, the City is making an extra effort to notify residents to move their vehicles to enable street resurfacing to proceed. Streets scheduled for upcoming paving are posted on the DOMI website and will be publicized through city social media channels.   

Residents who have registered to receive telephone alerts from the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority will receive robocalls if their street is to be paved the following week (residents can sign up for alerts here or by calling 412-255-2423). Paving crews will be placing fliers on vehicle windshields 48 hours in advance. 



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Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office