City to Offer Fertility Coverage to Employees

PITTSBURGH, PA (August 26, 2020) The City of Pittsburgh will for the first time offer fertility coverage to its employees, for free. 

Starting in 2021 the City will offer two cycles of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) for those covered under those municipal health care plans. The City will cover the health care costs and monthly employee insurance contribution will not rise for those using the benefit. 

This benefit will be offered to all employee groups that are part of the Municipal Healthcare Group. 

Mayor William Peduto announced in 2017 that the City would be begin offering health care coverage for surgical treatments for gender affirmation, and for many years has been offering mental health and hormonal therapy benefits for those transitioning.  

Pittsburgh will be one of the few cities in the country offering health coverage for both gender affirmation surgery and fertility treatments. 

“The City of Pittsburgh is a welcoming place to work, where we are always looking to improve the quality of life for our employees and their families,” Mayor Peduto said. 



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Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office