Speed Humps to be Re-installed on Gold Way in Polish Hill

PITTSBURGH, PA (August 28, 2020) The City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure is pleased to announce the construction of speed humps on Gold Way from Melwood Avenue to Denver Street. This project will include the re-installation of three speed humps on Gold Way.

Permanent signage and pavement markings will be installed to alert motorists of approaching speed humps and bicycle facilities.

Work is tentatively expected to begin on Monday, August 31, 2020, and is expected to last one to two days, weather permitting. Hours of construction will be 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Due to the narrow width of Gold Way, vehicles will be detoured to Bigelow Boulevard. Emergency Response Vehicles and bicyclists will be permitted to use Gold Way.

We understand this may be a short-term inconvenience and we hope to work together with you in a professional and amicable manner for the long-term improvement of your neighborhood. If you have questions about this project or other traffic calming projects, you may contact us by email at, or by calling 3-1-1. You can learn more about DOMI’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program at



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Experimental - may have alignment issues.


Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office