Department of City Planning Announces Comprehensive Planning Process

PITTSBURGH, PA (September 1, 2020) Today the City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning announced the beginning of a citywide comprehensive planning process, ForgingPGH. 

“ForgingPGH is the first comprehensive look at land use citywide and will guide future growth and development. The plan will provide an equitable framework for housing, development, mobility, sustainability and land use for the next 20 years,” said Andrew Dash, director of the Department of City Planning. 

The Conditions and Trends Report, also released today, outlines where the City of Pittsburgh has been and where the City is now. The report identifies inequalities that have come with previous development in the City and the uneven growth across Pittsburgh. This data will inform ForgingPGH, in which the City will take a people-based approach to land use. 

“With our people and our planet at its center, ForgingPGH guides planning and development for the City of Pittsburgh through a shared vision for the future,” said Mayor William Peduto. “This community-driven plan, with equity at its foundation, will continue to make Pittsburgh a place for all.”

The data presented in the report helped to inform the development of the Data Visualization Tool which allows residents to view data and maps at the citywide and neighborhood level. In addition to the Conditions & Trends Report, ForgingPGH will be guided by the p4 framework, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the Displacement Vulnerability Index. The Conditions & Trends Report and the data visualization tool, along with more information about the planning process and upcoming events, are available at

The first opportunity for community involvement is an online scenario planning workshop that includes a survey and an interactive map activity. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, engagement activities for ForgingPGH will start online on Engage PGH to keep our communities safe and healthy. The workshop can also be completed by calling 3-1-1 or by visiting open Carnegie Library locations

COVID-19 has had significant impacts on our region and our City. While the ForgingPGH planning process develops a plan for the next twenty years, it will account for those impacts and meet residents where they are at this time to help prepare and build for a future of growth and opportunity. 

In addition, the Department of City Planning will release Requests for Proposals for Economic Development and an update to the Housing Needs Assessment, which will be elements of the Comprehensive Plan. These opportunities will take into consideration the impacts of COVID-19 and inequities in access. Both will be available on Beacon.

For More Information: 

Anthony Kobak

Project Manager, Senior Planner

Andrew Dash

Director, Department of City Planning



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Timothy McNulty
Communications Director
Mayor's Office